Artist-in-Residence Program
Applications are being accepted for the 2025 Artist-in-Residence Program. The program provides an opportunity for artists to pursue their work in the inspiring landscape and history of Caribou Ranch. The application deadline is Feb. 17.
Prescribed Burns
Prescribed burns will be conducted this winter as conditions allow throughout the county. Smoke and flames may be visible. Please do not call 911 since a controlled burn is not an emergency. The areas will be monitored to ensure fires are completely out.
Winter Edition of Images Magazine
The winter issue of Images magazine is now available. Articles include Rooted and Reaching: Celebrating 50 Years, Mining History and the Minority Experience, Nature Detectives: Discover the Secrets of Seeds, Trail Magic, and Conservation Awards.
Ron Stewart Preserve Closures
Ron Stewart Preserve at Rabbit Mountain is closed most Mondays and Tuesdays through Jan. 31 for elk management through limited hunting.
US 36 Wildlife Crossings
Boulder County has started investigating the feasibility of building wildlife crossing structures on US Highway 36 between Boulder and Lyons. Feedback is needed to help determine the future of the project.