Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Community Mediation

Community Mediation

We are currently not accepting Restorative Justice volunteer applications


We are a volunteer driven mediation program in the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office offering free mediation services to settle disputes for individuals living within Boulder County but outside the city limits of Boulder or Longmont. Mediation services provide a safe environment for people in conflict to come together to create their own agreements.

This is who we are, what we do.

“Our mission is to provide alternative responses to conflict through mediation that encourages conflict resolution via communication and accountability between the involved parties.”

The Community Mediation Program grew out of the realization that there was a lack of no cost mediation services available to individuals in need living in Boulder County, yet outside larger city limits of Boulder and Longmont, already offering mediation services. Mediation is appropriate for many types of disputes if everyone involved is open to finding a resolution. Referrals are accepted from our Deputies, the Courts and the community. Community Mediation began offering mediation services in November, 2010. Our mediation services are available for disputes except separation, divorce or custody cases or landlord/tenant issues. While our mediators have been professionally trained, we do not specialize in family law. The appropriateness of these cases for our program will be decided on a case by case basis.

Our mediation program is staffed by a group of professionally trained volunteers and is directed by a paid coordinator. The mediators come from a variety of backgrounds and have vast professional experience. All mediators have completed specialized mediation training and have demonstrated their success in resolving disputes. The mediators are neutral and impartial and do not represent or advocate for either party in the dispute, nor do they offer legal advice.

Mediation is a voluntary process that provides an opportunity for people in conflict to come together to create their own agreements. A neutral team of two mediators helps disputing parties clarify issues and consider options. Mediation takes place in a safe and positive environment. Everyone’s point of view is considered through open, honest and respectful communication. As the result of facilitated discussions, a workable agreement is reached and put into writing.

Our Community Mediation program assists with many types of disputes including neighbor issues, conflicts involving pets and noise, easement concerns, etc. We cannot mediate separation, divorce or custody cases, or landlord/tenant issues.

Referral to Agreement:

Community Mediation utilizes the following approach:

  • Referral: Community Mediation receives referrals from deputies, courts or community members
  • Intake: Community Mediation coordinator contacts each interested party to complete intake forms, assess appropriateness for mediation, answer questions, and refer case to volunteer mediators
  • Primary Meeting: Mediators meet separately with each party to describe the process, answer questions and assist in identifying and clarifying the issues and interests
  • Mediation: Parties come together to meet face to face in a safe environment. The mediation process is structured to provide the opportunity to talk, listen and to effectively communicate the issues.
  • Agreement: When parties come to an agreement on how to settle a dispute, the agreement items are written on a mediation agreement and signed by the parties. This is a legally binding agreement and can be presented in court if either party chooses not to abide by the agreements.

Mediation Process:

  1. Mediator opening – the mediator describes the process, guidelines and roles
  2. Client statements – each party explains the situation from his or her perspective without interruptions.
  3. Client responses – parties respond, ask questions and provide clarification if needed
  4. Agenda – a list of issues to be resolved is developed
  5. Negotiations – solutions to each issue are developed using a collaborative process
  6. Caucus – mediators may hold a private, confidential meeting with each party during the mediation
  7. Agreement – once the parties have reached agreement, a written legally binding agreement is signed

Benefits of Mediation:

  1. Practical – each person has a voice in the outcome; agreements are crafted to fit specific needs
  2. Control – decisions are made that are in each person’s best interest
  3. Efficient – Mediation is usually faster than going to court
  4. Confidential – aside from the final agreement, there is no record of the process
  5. Flexible – mediation is conducted at a convenient time and place for everyone involved.
  6. Cost-effective – there are no court or attorney fees; our mediation services are free of charge
  7. Voluntary – everyone agrees to participate; no one is obligated or forced

How Do I start The Mediation Process?

  1. Contact the Community Mediation Coordinator, Devi Suess, at or 303-441-1752
  2. Contact – either directly or in writing – the party you have a dispute with to see if they are willing to participate in mediation
  3. Refer the other party to our website for further information

The Community Mediation coordinator will contact you after a referral is received. If mediation is agreed upon by both parties, the mediators will contact each party to set up both a preliminary meeting and the mediation.

How can I Get Involved?

Volunteer mediators must have successfully completed a professional 40 hour mediation training to volunteer for our program.

All volunteers commit to joining a team for at least one year. The teams generally meet once a month for 2 hours to debrief cases, review new policies, or for in-service training. It all starts with your interest, an application, an interview and an introductory training.

Please check back periodically for recruitment information or contact Devi Suess at with specific questions.

Contact Us

Boulder County Sheriff’s Office
Restorative Justice/Community Mediation
5600 Flatiron Parkway
Boulder, CO 80301

Email: Devi Suess at
Phone: 303-441-1752
Fax: 303-441-4739

Contact Us

Restorative Justice/Mediation Programs

Main: 303-441-1752
Alternate: 303-441-4444
Fax: 303-441-4739


Sheriff’s Headquarters
5600 Flatiron Parkway
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions


Sheriff’s website
Head Quarters Lobby Hours:
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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