Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Mobility for All (Home)

About Mobility for All

The goal of the Mobility for All (M4A) Program is to promote accessible, affordable, and equitable multimodal (transit, bike, etc.) transportation options for residents of all ages and abilities and to raise awareness that transportation is a basic social, economic, and health need.


  • Conducts public education and outreach on multimodal transportation options
  • Provides multimodal transportation assistance through a variety of projects
  • Fosters collaboration between transportation and human service organizations

Upcoming Events

Why Mobility Matters

Reducing the transportation cost burden is a critical step on the path to self-sufficiency and accessing health and human services.

Housing and Transportation combined should not exceed 45% of monthly income

Affordable living (defined as spending no more than 15% of a household’s income on transportation and no more than 30% on housing) has increasingly become a challenge for many county residents. Despite transportation being one of the largest components of a low-income family’s budget, there are very few resources to help with transportation costs.

To find out more on how much money you can save on your commute by leaving your care at home 1 to 5 times a week, watch this video.


Boulder County Mobility for All has initiated several projects that focus on improving access to affordable transportation, providing necessary amenities and empowering residents through outreach and education.

Mobility 4 All Technology Ambassador Program

Technology Ambassador Program

An innovative M4A project focused on addressing mobility challenges residents face related to using smartphone applications such as Google Maps, RTD Mobile Ticketing, Transit App, Uber, and Lyft. Learn more.

Mobility for All - Loteria program


Lotería of Transportation Modes provides equitable access to transportation modes, some of which have historically been underutilized by the Latino community, such as carshare, bikeshare, and vanpool. Learn more.

Mobility 4 All Mountain Driver Program

Mountain Driver Program

Mobility for All along with its stakeholders developed a volunteer driver program using inclusive planning methods to empower older adults, people with disabilities, and caregivers. Learn more.

Mobility for all education and outreach

Community Outreach & Education

An important aspect of community outreach is education and resource awareness. Mobility for All strives to empower Boulder County residents by informing them about important transportation resources, programs, and issues

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