Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available at

Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC)

Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC)

The Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC) is Boulder County’s local coordinating council. It is an alliance of community organizations, individuals, and interest groups working together to achieve common goals regarding transportation services for people with mobility challenges, including households with low incomes, older adults, people with disabilities, youth, and veterans.

The MAC’s vision is an equitable transportation network that empowers people of all ages and abilities to move in and beyond the Boulder County community.

The county established the MAC in 2012 to foster collaboration between transportation services, human services providers, and the public to improve mobility for the Boulder County community.

MAC members share and develop resources, provide recommendations on transportation services and programs, coordinate on grant funding efforts, and inform decision makers, community partners, and the general public on needs and mobility options in the community.

The MAC meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 1 to 2:20 p.m.

Register to attend online MAC meetings

Photo of inclusive group meeting for Mobility Access Coalition

Mobility and Access Coalition celebrates 10-year anniversary

On November 3, 2022, Boulder County’s Mobility and Access Coalition (MAC) celebrated their 10-year anniversary at the Boulder Jewish Community Center. This celebration commemorated the coalition’s accomplishments and awarded our regions’ drivers and other transportation professionals who have helped advance transportation equity in Boulder County and beyond. Read more…

Driving and Volunteering Opportunities

Have you thought about the benefits of becoming a driver or volunteering to help improve mobility access in Boulder County?

Volunteers and drivers have a special role to play in the lives of many members in our community. Boulder County has a network of kind, compassionate volunteers and drivers who lovingly take people with limited mobility options to their medical appointments, grocery store, food bank etc. Volunteers and drivers offer so much more than just a ride! For example, a flexible schedule, opportunity to socialize, positive mental and physical outcomes, sense of fulfillment, and so much more! Learn more…

Past Meetings

View past Mobility and Access Coalition Meetings on YouTube.

You Can Help

Join the Local Coordinating Council
Advocate for Increased Transportation Funding
Promote Accessible, Affordable, and Equitable Transportation Options
Join a Volunteer Driver Program
Include Transportation Support as a Line Item in Grant Proposals

MAC Newsletter

Sign up for our newsletter and stay up to date with MAC member events, transportation highlights, and meeting agendas.

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