Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights booklet, are available at

Court Related Services
Flatirons with the 20th Judicial District Seal

Court Related Services

Find services related to the Boulder County court system.

20th Judicial District / Boulder County

District Attorney District Court Division

The District Attorney’s (DA) Office first becomes involved in a criminal action on the day after a person is arrested for a felony crime or when the police refer a case to the DA’s office for a filing decision on felony charges.

District Attorney County Court Division

The County Court has original jurisdiction over all Colorado state misdemeanor and traffic cases. Find out more about court processes and common county court cases.

Boulder Municipal Court

The Boulder Municipal Court has jurisdiction over violations of city ordinances, including traffic, photo enforcement, parking, animal and misdemeanor criminal offenses that have occurred within the Boulder city limits.

Erie Municipal Court

The Erie Municipal Court adjudicates violations of the Town’s municipal ordinances and the Model Traffic Code, as amended by the Erie Municipal Code. The Honorable Teresa Ablao is the Presiding Judge. The Honorable Michelle Kline and Honorable Melissa Beato serve as Associate Judges. Additionally staffed, are the Clerk of the Municipal Court/Court Supervisor and Court Administrator.

Lafayette Municipal Court

The Lafayette Municipal Court has jurisdiction to hear cases that deal with the City of Lafayette Municipal Ordinances, traffic violations, and parking violations. We pride ourselves on serving the public in a manner that makes the court process accommodating and less intimidating.

Longmont Municipal Court

The Longmont Judicial Department is comprised of the Municipal Court and Probation. The Municipal Court is a court of limited jurisdiction and handles violations of the Longmont Municipal Code and Charter. It is located in the Safety and Justice Center, 225 Kimbark Street, Longmont, CO 80501.

Louisville Municipal Court

The Municipal Court oversees all aspects of the Louisville judicial process.

Lyons Municipal Court

The Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services by contract to the Town of Lyons. The Lyons Municipal Court hears cases regarding parking citations, traffic violations, misdemeanors, animal, and code violations that take place within the town limits.

Nederland Municipal Court

The Nederland Municipal Court meets at 10a.m. on the second Friday of each month in the Nederland Community Center. Contact Lisa Taylor ( or Troy Hendricks at 303-258-3250 for more info. Judge David J Thrower is the Municipal Court Judge.

Superior Municipal Court

The Sheriff’s Office provides law enforcement services by contract to the Town of Superior. The Superior Municipal Court hears cases regarding parking citations, traffic violations, misdemeanors, animal, and code violations that take place within the town limits.


District Attorney's Office

303-441-3700 (Main Office)
303-441-4703 (Main Office fax)
303-682-6800 (Longmont Office)
303-682-6711 (Longmont fax)
for Hearing Impaired
please use Relay Colorado


Justice Center
1777 6th St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions Boulder Location


Longmont Courthouse
1035 Kimbark St.
Longmont, CO 80501
Map and Directions Longmont Location

District Attorney Seal

Mailing Address

Boulder District Attorney
P.O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306