Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available at

Hauling Requirements for Haulers

Hauling Requirements for Haulers

Hauler Licensing Region Map Update – 2024

To advance zero waste efforts in the community, Boulder County is updating the county’s Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions map to increase organics collection access for the northern most parts of the county.

Changes Overview: The Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions map divides the county into five regions. Each region has a different hauler collection requirement for trash, recycling and organic materials. These regions are based on considerations like population density and area geography, and only apply to single-family residences. The new map will be implemented starting January 1, 2025. The map update will affect the following two regions:

  • Region 3 – (north of Nelson Road and east of the foothills) – Requires haulers to provide Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) trash service and unlimited recycling.
  • Region 5 – (south of Nelson Road and east of the foothills) – Requires haulers to provide PAYT trash service, unlimited recycling and food and yard waste collection.

The map update will eliminate Region 3, north of Nelson Road and east of the foothills, and redesignate that area to Region 5. Region 5 will not change, except for adding the Region 3 area. This change will affect the following:

  • Haulers that provide regular or periodic trash collection service to addresses north of Nelson and east of the foothills will be required to provide food and yard waste collection to single-family residents.

Haulers servicing businesses and multi-family residents in this area may offer food and yard waste collection.

Maps: The current Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions map. The new Waste Hauler Regions Map . Please note the new map has four zones but they are labeled 1,2,4, and 5 to be consistent with the Waste Hauler Ordinance language.

Why: The region map update will increase equitable access to organics collection services. The current map’s boundaries were drawn back in 2007, over 17 years ago. The county has grown and changed since the current map was drawn and the new map helps reflect these changes. An estimated 2,525 residents will have access to curbside food waste and yard waste collection services with this map change.


  • August 2024 – Boulder County website updated; haulers notified of changes.
  • September 2024 – Hauler stakeholder session (see details below).
  • October – December 2024 – Reminders for haulers, on-going support for haulers.
  • January 1, 2025 – New map is implemented. Haulers will need to provide food and yard waste collection to homes north of Nelson Road and east of the foothills.
  • July 1, 2025 – Compliance deadline. Haulers will need to be finished rolling out compost collection services to the new service area.

Past Hauler Stakeholder Session

  • Hauler Stakeholder meeting – September 10, 2024. For a copy of the presentation, please email Meghan at

Hauler Comments and Questions

If you are a hauler and have questions or comments about the upcoming map change, please reach out to Meghan Wiebe at

Hauler Licensing

Boulder County Ordinance #2019-3 requires licensing of all hauling companies operating within Boulder County that collect, transport, or dispose of discarded materials (trash, recyclables, compostables, construction and demolition materials, aggregate, or landscaping materials). Hauler licenses must be renewed annually by the hauler.

Collection Requirements Overview

Waste haulers are required to offer services based on which region of unincorporated Boulder County the customer resides. Please refer to the Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions Map for region boundaries.

Overview of regions with different collection requirements:

  • Pay-As-You-Throw (PAYT) / volumetric priced trash collection only – mountain areas
  • PAYT trash collection and unlimited recycling – north of Nelson Rd., east of foothills
  • PAYT trash collection, unlimited recycling and yard waste composting – south of Nelson Rd., just east of the foothills and Eldorado Springs
  • PAYT trash collection, unlimited recycling, food scrap & yard waste composting -south of Nelson Rd., east of the foothills

Food and Yard Waste Collection

Curbside compost collection varies by hauling region. Please refer to the Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions Map for region boundaries. Food waste may be collected outside of required areas, provided that food waste is collected in a bear-proof organics collection container.

Recycling Collection

Materials are required to be collected as Single-Stream Recycling from residential properties covered by the ordinance.

License Application and Renewal

Please follow the steps below to receive your new or renewed hauler license:

  1. Log into your Re-TRAC account or create a Re-TRAC account
  1. Calculate your license fee based on an annual fee of $50 for up to the first three vehicles (i.e. if you operate one, two, or three vehicles, the cost is $50). Each additional vehicle is $10 (i.e., if you operate four vehicles, the cost is $60).
  1. Submit your payment electronically or by check. To pay electronically, use the Boulder County payment system linked in your Re-TRAC account. To pay by check, submit a check made out to “Boulder County Treasurer” and mail to:

Boulder County Resource Conservation Division
Attn: Hauler License
1901 63rd Street
Boulder, CO 80301

Upon receipt of your Application, Self‐Certification Form and payment, your Hauler License will be issued, and you will receive the appropriate number of windshield stickers for your vehicles.

If you have questions, please contact Michal Duffy (they) at

Current Licensed Haulers

Annual Reporting

Through a partnership with Boulder County, haulers and companies report for both the City of Boulder and unincorporated Boulder County using the same software program, Re-TRAC. No paper reporting forms will be accepted. All data reported to the city and the County shall be treated as confidential commercial documents under the provisions of the Colorado Open Records Act, Section 24-72-201, C.R.S., et seq.

Please note, Re-TRAC is being implemented for reporting waste hauled from within the City of Boulder and unincorporated Boulder County, City of Broomfield, City of Lafayette, City of Louisville, City of Longmont, Town of Erie, Town of Lyons, Town of Superior, and Town of Nederland. Haulers may enter data for other communities listed in the Annual Service Summary form; however, this is optional and not required during this reporting cycle.

Relevant Documents

Hauler Ordinance

Waste Hauler Instructions

Waste Hauler Reporting Guide

Re-Trac Login and Reporting Forms here

Waste Hauler Ordinance Regions Map

Unacceptable Materials 

Contact Us

Resource Conservation Division



Boulder County Recycling Center
1901 63rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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