Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

banner of family playing at the park

Community Action Programs -- CAP

Boulder County Community Action Programs (CAP) began in 1965 as part of President Lyndon Johnson’s “War on Poverty.” Today, CAP remains committed to empowering individuals and families with low incomes by providing programs that foster economic independence and long-term self-sufficiency. Through programming focused on leadership development, civic engagement, and building assets with IDA savings, CAP equips participants with the tools and resources needed to achieve long-term success.

Contact Us

Community Action Programs

303-441-1541 (fax)


Sundquist Building
3482 Broadway St.
Boulder, CO 80304
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

Community Services logo

This website is supported by Grant Number CSBG-24-005 from the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) within the Administration for Children and Families, a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Neither the Administration for Children and Families nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse this website (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided). The opinions, findings, conclusions, and recommendations expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Administration for Children and Families and the the Department of Local Affairs (DOLA).