Need to know how much it will cost to register your vehicle? You can estimate your fees by using this online calculator. Be sure to enter the original MSRP (usually different from the purchase price). Please note that we cannot estimate registration fees over the phone or by email.
Appointments now required for in-person visits. Additionally, registration renewals need to be completed out of office. Options include online, by mail or drop box, or at a self-service kiosk. Read about these changes (including benefits, and FAQs). Información en español.
Vehicle Registration
Registration Checklists
If you are new to Colorado or recently purchased a car or truck that you need to register, you can download these PDF checklists to get you started.
Vehicle Purchased from Private Party

Recently Purchased Vehicle
Congrats on your new ride! Registration requirements vary depending on how you purchased your vehicle.

New Colorado Resident
New to Colorado? Welcome!
You must register your vehicle within 90 days of establishing residency.

Motorcycles, RVs and Trailers
Motorcycles, Motor Homes, and Trailers may have special registration requirements.

Gifted or Inherited Vehicle
When you receive a vehicle as a gift or through inheritance, there are special registration requirements and procedures.

Military Personnel Vehicles
Thank you for your service! Register and renew your vehicle when serving in your home state or out-of-state.

Special Mobile Military
SMM must be registered at one of our MV branch locations if it will be operational in Boulder County for more than 11 months.
Joint Ownership
If you plan to co-own your vehicle, be sure to apply for Joint Tenancy with Rights of Survivorship. This will prevent your vehicle from going to probate court if one of the owners dies.
More Resources
Appointments for vehicle registration are available at all three offices – Boulder, Lafayette, or Longmont – from: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Temporary permits are good for 60 days from the date of purchase. This allows time for title paperwork to be completed and for the vehicle to have an emissions test, if required.
When you purchase a vehicle from a dealership, they will issue a temporary permit. If you purchase from a private party, you may visit one of our offices to request a temporary permit.
A lost or destroyed Colorado registration can be replaced for a $4.00 fee online, in-person, or by mail.
To apply online or in-person, you will need:
- Secure and Verifiable ID
- $4.00 fee
- License plate number
To apply by mail, you will need:
- A completed Duplicate Registration Form
- A photocopy of Secure and Verifiable ID
- $4.00 fee paid by check or cash
If the license plate number is not known, you will also need:
- Model year of vehicle
- Make of vehicle
- Vehicle identification number
Request replacement tabs for your vehicle online. You will need:
- License plate number
- VIN number or Verification Code (from registration card)
- Valid credit card or check
Learn more about how your vehicle registration fees and taxes are calculated on our Fees and Taxes page.
Vehicle identification number (VIN) inspections are required for the following:
- New residents
- Newly purchased vehicles with out-of-state titles
- Title corrections
Our offices offer VIN inspections for a $25 fee. Find other certified VIN inspectors, locations, and hours.
If you are registering a heavy vehicle, you may need a certified weight slip. A weight slip is required for the following:
- If your vehicle has been modified more than 300 pounds and the new weight is not listed on the title
- Used buses that are being registered in Colorado for the first time
- A vehicle that is being converted into a motor home
- You would like to update the current weight on an existing title
- If determined it is required by a certified VIN inspector
- Contact us if you have questions about your specific circumstance
Many private companies (such as Pioneer Sand – locations in Boulder, Longmont, & Broomfield) can weigh your vehicle and provide a certified weight slip. If you are registering a motor home, bus, or trailer, you may also contact us first to see if we can look up your vehicle’s weight for you.
Farm trucks require a special registration application. Requirements:
- Vehicle registered to land that is zoned as agricultural for property tax purposes
- Truck is only used for agricultural purposes
Farm trucks are exempt from emissions requirements.
Vehicles assembled from a kit have special titling and registration requirements. Please contact our office for instructions.