Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Mental Health Services
mother and child walking in the snow by evergreen trees

Mental and Behavioral Health Services at Boulder County Public Health

Mental and Behavioral Health Programs

Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) is committed to enhancing mental and behavioral health across Boulder County and has a long history of providing mental and behavioral health services. BCPH’s most recent Community Health Assessment and Public Health Improvement Plan are focused on mental and behavioral health.
Boulder County Public Health. BCPH provides mental and behavioral health services focused on prevention, early intervention and harm reduction.

Mental health includes stress, depression, anxiety, and emotional struggles. Behavioral health includes problems with substance use (e.g., alcohol or drugs).

Bilingual staff are available for most services.

Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP)

The Nurse-Family Partnership supports families impacted by economic inequity who are expecting their first baby or whose first child is less than one month old. This program provides free regular home visits by specialized nurses from pregnancy until the child’s second birthday.


GENESIS provides teenage parents from pregnancy through the child’s third birthday access to community referrals, parenting and family planning education, monthly outings, transportation, school and job training assistance, childbirth classes, essential baby items, and more.

Family Connects

Family Connects offers free nurse home visiting and Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health (IECMH) consultation for families with newborns to support their health and well-being through specialized services, such as health screenings, postpartum depression screening, bereavement care, and more.

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) serves pregnant, lactating, and post-partum women and their children up to five years of age. It provides free supplemental nutritious foods, education, and referrals to professional health and nutrition services. These services offer proven benefits such as improved cognitive development in children, fewer low birth weight babies and premature births, and decreased infant mortality.

Children with Special Needs (CSN)

Children with Special Needs (CSN) supports families of children who were born prematurely or suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as well as Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) from birth to age 21.

Child Health Promotion (CHP)

Child Health Promotion (CHP) works with childcare settings to conduct health inspections, ensure disease control, and provide resources on quality practices, child development, health, safety, nutrition, and hygiene.

A la Raíz/To the Root

A la Raíz/To the Root centers on the experiences of local LGBTQ+ and Latine youth (ages 11-18) to enhance mental health and substance use prevention strategies. Trainings on Substance Use Prevention and Inclusive Spanish Language are available.


Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation and gender identity Support (OASOS) upholds LGBTQIA+ youth (ages 12-18) through peer groups, leadership opportunities, social activities, advocacy, and LGBTQIA+ health and inclusion trainings.


GENERATIONS supports youth (ages 12-20), mainly Latine, in staying in school and reducing the chances of unplanned pregnancy through culturally tailored mentorship, sexual health education, family coaching, youth groups, parental support, and other resources.

Healthy Futures Youth Coalition (HFYC)

Healthy Futures Youth Coalition (HFYC) is a youth-led initiative (ages 14 to 20) working alongside supportive adults to co-create strategies to prevent substance use. Youth participants are eligible to receive a quarterly stipend.

Inspire Youth Connections

Inspire Youth Connections supports youth well-being through a variety of initiatives and trainings, including Youth Advocating for Youth (YAY), the BoCo Youth Calendar (, Sources of Strength (SOS), Youth Mental Health First Aid (YMHFA), and more.

Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership (TEPP)

Tobacco Education and Prevention Partnership (TEPP) offers resources on tobacco and vape risks, prevention, and quitting, including signs, presentations, policy guidance, enforcement practices, and vape disposal.

Works Program

The Works Program is a free, anonymous, harm reduction program dedicated to the safety of the people who use drugs and their friends and family, helping them connect with resources to reduce the harmful effects associated with the use of drugs, such as diseases and overdose deaths.

Youth Opioid Overdose Prevention (YOOP)

Youth Opioid Overdose Prevention (YOOP) offers training designed and led by youth advisors for youth and young adults, such as Narcan training, advanced training covering harm reduction strategies, and a certified Narcan trainers program.

Communities That Care (CTC)

Communities That Care (CTC) of Lafayette is a community-led practice addressing the public health needs of local youth and families including mental health, substance use prevention, and restorative justice through prevention science and youth opportunities. Visit

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Boulder County Public Health

Main: 303-441-1100
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3450 Broadway
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Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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