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October 3, 2019

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Vivienne Jannatpour, (303) 678-6277

Boulder County Planning Commission agenda for October 16, 2019

Planning Commission public meeting begins at 1:30 p.m.

Boulder County, Colo. - The next meeting of the Boulder County Planning Commission will be Wed., October 16, 2019, beginning at 1:30 p.m.

Boulder County Courthouse, Commissioners' Hearing Room, 3rd Floor
1325 Pearl St., Boulder
Map & Directions

Agenda items include:

Approval of minutes/miscellaneous business.

Staff update(s) on projects and/or development review items (if necessary). Informational item only, public testimony will not be taken.


  • Public Hearing Study Session: E-Bike Pilot Research Outcomes and Potential BCCP Update to Passive Recreation Definition

    In the Open Space Element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan, passive recreation is defined, in part, as non-motorized. In the wake of a change in Colorado state law addressing how e-bikes are classified and where they are allowed, county staff conducted a year of public outreach about e-bikes in 2018. At the end of 2018, the Boulder County Commissioners directed staff to allow e-bikes on certain plains trails on a pilot basis in 2019. During the course of this year, staff has conducted research including surveys of trail users, a county-wide telephone survey, a bicycle speed observation study, and a literature review of recreation conflict and e-bike studies. Boulder County Parks & Open Space staff will review the results of the research, and present options for considering amending the definition of passive recreation in the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Open Space Element.
    Action Requested: None, Information item only
    Public testimony will be taken.
    Staff Planner(s): Nicole Wobus, Tina Nielsen

  • Public Hearing: Docket SU-19-0001 Denver Water Multipurpose Communications Tower
    Request: Denver Water proposes installing a new multipurpose communications tower to provide greater bandwidth and improve service coverage at the Gross Dam facility.
    Location: 4121 Gross Dam Road, approximately .5 miles south of the intersection with Flagstaff Rd., in Section 19, Township 1S, Range 71W.
    Zoning: Forestry (F) Zoning District
    Applicant/Property Owner: City & County of Denver, Denver Water Board
    Agents: Joe Kramer, Pericle Communications Co. & Ashley Christensen, Charles Steckly Architecture
    Action Requested: Recommendation to BOCC
    Public testimony will be taken.
    Staff Planner(s): Marc Ambrosi

  • Public Hearing: Transportation Master Plan Update
    Boulder County Transportation Staff will provide to Planning Commission an overview of the draft Transportation Master Plan (TMP). Staff will summarize both the TMP Technical Report and TMP Summary Report.
    Action Requested: None, Information item only
    Public testimony will be taken
    Staff Planner(s): Stacey Proctor, Jeff Maxwell

  • Public Hearing: Dockets BCCP-18-0004 & BCCP-18-0005 Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Housing and Economics Elements
    The Land Use Department is updating the Housing and Economics elements of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (BCCP). The current Housing and Economics elements of the BCCP are from 1983 and 1987, respectively. Given the interdependent nature of housing and economic trends in the region, staff is updating both elements to reflect the county’s policy vision in light of current conditions and best planning practices. On May 30, 2019, staff presented draft policy language and topics for consideration for the updated Housing and Economics elements to both the Board of County Commissioners and Planning Commission at a joint study session. Housing topics of discussion included diversity of housing choice, preservation of existing housing stock, the nexus between transportation and housing, agricultural worker housing, and housing for seniors and vulnerable populations. Economics topics of discussion included recreation, tourism, preservation of rural character, public/private partnerships, agriculture, and economic viability. The study session, along with subsequent internal and external referrals, informed revisions to proposed goals and policies. Staff will present the updated Housing and Economics elements to Planning Commission with a recommendation for approval at the October 16 Planning Commission meeting.
    Action Requested: Decision
    Public testimony will be taken.
    Staff Planner(s): Nicole Wobus, Christy Wiseman

  • Adjournment

    Staff recommendations will be posted to the docket webpages on October 9.

    The meeting will be livestreamed via the Boulder County Open Meeting Portal. Current and recent Planning Commission agendas, minutes, and archived video recordings are available on the Planning Commission webpage.