Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available at

Social Media

Boulder County Social Media

Facebook Accounts X (formerly Twitter) Accounts Instagram Accounts YouTube Accounts Linkedin Accounts Nextdoor Accounts

Boulder County Social Media Comment Policy

Seguido en Español

We encourage you to share your thoughts as they relate to the topic being discussed. The views expressed in comments reflect those of the author and should not be construed to represent the views or official policies of Boulder County.

We expect comments generally to be courteous and respectful of those left by other commenters. We may hide comments that:

  • contain obscene, indecent or profane language;
  • contain specific threats to individuals or institutions;
  • promote or endorse services or products (note that non-commercial links that are relevant to the topic or another comment are acceptable);
  • disclose personally identifiable private confidential information; or are off-topic.

Copyrighted and other proprietary material should not be posted or submitted in any form unless permission to do so is clearly indicated. In posting comments or other work, a commenter grants Boulder County and anyone viewing the Boulder County social media page irrevocable permission to copy, distribute, make derivatives, display, or perform the commenter’s work publicly and free-of-charge.

We recognize that the internet is a medium unbound by regular business hours and your comments are welcome at any time. However, given the need to manage resources, reviewing and responding to comments will generally occur during regular business hours Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (some county divisions operate on extended hours Monday – Thursday and are closed on Fridays). Comments and questions submitted at other times will be reviewed and replied to as soon as possible the next business day.

Thank you for taking the time to read this comment policy. We encourage your participation in our discussion and look forward to an active exchange of ideas.

Política de comentarios del condado de Boulder

Le animamos a que comparta sus opiniones en relación con el tema que está siendo discutido. Las opiniones expresadas en los comentarios reflejan las opiniones del autor y no deben interpretarse como las opiniones o políticas oficiales del condado de Boulder.

En general, esperamos que los comentarios sean corteses y respetuosos.

Nos reservamos el derecho de ocultar los comentarios que:

  • contengan un lenguaje obsceno, indecente o profano;
  • contengan amenazas específicas para personas o instituciones;
  • promueven o respaldan servicios o productos (tenga en cuenta que los enlaces no comerciales que son relevantes para el tema u otro comentario son aceptables);
  • revelen información confidencial privada identificable; o se salgan del tema.

El material protegido por derechos de autor y otros derechos de propiedad no debe publicarse ni enviarse de ninguna forma a menos que se indique claramente el permiso para hacerlo. Al publicar comentarios u otros trabajos, el comentarista concede al condado de Boulder y a cualquier persona que vea la página de medios sociales del condado de Boulder el permiso irrevocable para copiar, distribuir, hacer derivados, mostrar o ejecutar el trabajo del comentarista de forma pública y gratuita.

Reconocemos que el Internet es un medio que no está limitado por el horario de trabajo y sus comentarios son bienvenidos en cualquier momento. Sin embargo, dada la necesidad de gestionar los recursos, la revisión y la respuesta a los comentarios se realizará generalmente durante el horario laboral habitual de lunes a viernes, de 8 a.m. a 4:30 p.m. (algunas divisiones del condado funcionan en horario ampliado de lunes a jueves y están cerradas los viernes). Los comentarios y las preguntas que se envíen en otros momentos se revisarán y se responderán lo más pronto posible durante el siguiente día laboral.

Gracias por dedicar su tiempo a leer esta política de comentarios. Le animamos a participar en nuestro debate y esperamos que haya un intercambio activo de ideas.

Boulder County Social Media Accounts

Visit us on Facebook

Area Agency on Aging
Services for older adults, people with disabilities, family caregivers, and veterans.

Boulder County Government
Boulder County News and Information.

Clerk & Recorder
Information on elections, motor vehicle and recording.

Policies and programs that conserve resources, protect the environment, and safeguard our climate in order to build a sustainable, just, and resilient community.

Community Action Programs
Programs that foster self-sufficiency for individuals, families, and people of color with low-income.

District Attorney’s Office
Official Facebook page of the Boulder DA’s Office, 20th Judicial District – DA Michael Dougherty

Information about events at the fairgrounds, rentals of the facilities, closures/cancellations, emergency evacuations for animals.

Foster Care & Adoption
Official information about foster care and adoption in Boulder County

Head Start
A comprehensive and unique child development program for low-income families and children with disabilities.

Healthy Youth Alliance
Providing tools and resources for parents and caregivers to “keep talking” to their kids about tough topics.

Housing & Human Services
Boulder County Housing & Human Services is dedicated to supporting and sustaining healthy communities that strengthen individuals and families while promoting human dignity and hope for the future. Vivienda y Servicios Humanos del Condado de Boulder.

Mobility for All
Mobility for All promotes accessible, affordable, and equitable multimodal transportation options for residents of all ages and abilities

Office of Disaster Management
Plans, coordinates and supports a wide-range of activities that help prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters and large-scale emergencies, while also reducing vulnerabilities to hazards.

Parks & Open Space
All things Open Space: public nature programs, volunteer opportunities, public meetings, trail information, and more.

Project Visibility
A cultural responsiveness training for service providers and any interested party on the strengths and needs of LGBT elders.

Public Health
Public Health protects, promotes, and enhances the health and well-being of all people and the environment in Boulder County. Salud Pública del Condado de Boulder

Public Health – OASOS (Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation and gender identity Support)
Supporting LGBTQIA+ youth in SVVSD and BVSD

Rainbow Elders of Boulder County
Support for LGBT older adults in the county.

Resource Conservation
Resource Conservation strives to lead and promote actions that will help Boulder County reach its goal of Zero Waste or darn near by 2025.

Sheriff’s Office
We provide the citizens of Boulder County with effective and efficient public safety services. We deliver these services with character, competence, and open communication.

Wildfire Partners
Wildfire Partners provides wildfire mitigation information and assistance to all residents of Boulder County.

Workforce Boulder County
A Colorado workforce center that offers a wide variety of services to job seekers and businesses including veterans’ services and a young adult program

Follow us on X (formerly Twitter)

Boulder County Government
Boulder County News and Information.

Boulder Office of Disaster Management
The Boulder Office of Disaster Management helps prepare for, respond to and recover from disasters and large-scale emergencies.

Clerk & Recorder
Elections, Recording and Motor Vehicle updates from the Boulder County Clerk & Recorder’s Office.

Policies and programs that conserve resources, protect the environment, and safeguard our climate in order to build a sustainable, just, and resilient community.

District Attorney’s Office
Official Twitter page for the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office

Housing & Human Services
Boulder County Housing & Human Services is dedicated to supporting and sustaining healthy communities that strengthen individuals and families while promoting human dignity and hope for the future.

Mobility for All
Mobility for All promotes accessible, affordable, and equitable multimodal transportation options for residents of all ages and abilities.

Parks & Open Space
All things open space: public nature programs, volunteer opportunities, public meetings, trail information, and more.

Public Health
Public Health protects, promotes, and enhances the health and well-being of all people and the environment in Boulder County.

Public Works
Boulder County Public Works includes roads/bridges, all county facilities, and Resource Conservation.

Resource Conservation
Resource Conservation strives to lead and promote actions that will help Boulder County reach its goal of Zero Waste or darn near by 2025.

Sheriff’s Office
We provide the citizens of Boulder County with effective and efficient public safety services. We deliver these services with character, competence, and open communication.

Wildfire Partners
Wildfire Partners provides wildfire mitigation information and assistance to all residents of Boulder County.

Follow us on Instagram

Boulder County Government
Boulder County News and Information

Policies and programs that conserve resources, protect the environment, and safeguard our climate in order to build a sustainable, just, and resilient community.

Clerk and Recorders – Elections
Information on elections.

District Attorney’s Office
The official Instagram account for the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office.

Healthy Futures Youth Coalition
Partnering to reduce substance use in Boulder County.

Housing and Human Services
Information on services for adults, children and older adults; assistance for housing, food, financial, health and education.

Mobility for All
Education and outreach on transportation mobility options.

Parks & Open Space
Photos and video of flora and fauna on Boulder County Parks & Open Space properties.

Public Health
Public Health protects, promotes, and enhances the health and well-being of all people and the environment in Boulder County.

Public Health – OASOS (Open and Affirming Sexual Orientation and gender identity Support)
Supporting LGBTQIA+ youth in SVVSD and BVSD.

Resource Conservation
Resource Conservation strives to lead and promote actions that will help Boulder County reach its goal of Zero Waste or darn near by 2025.

Sheriff’s Office
Official recruitment account of the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office.

Youth Corps
Provides opportunities for Boulder County teens (ages 14-17) to develop a sense of community involvement through personal accomplishments teamwork and service to the county.

Wildfire Partners
Wildfire Partners provides wildfire mitigation information and assistance to all residents of Boulder County.

Workforce Boulder County
A Colorado workforce center that offers a wide variety of services to job seekers and businesses including veterans’ services and a young adult program.

Watch us on YouTube

Boulder County Government
Boulder County News and Information.

Clerk & Recorder
News and updates from the Clerk & Recorder’s Office

County Commissioners’ Office
Events and projects from the Board of County Commissioners

Community Planning & Permitting
Public meetings and hearings from the Community Planning & Permitting department.

Community Services
Information and resources about different project areas and divisions in the Community Services department

Housing & Human Services
Information about resources and events from Housing & Human Services

Mobility for All
Mobility for All promotes accessible, affordable, and equitable multimodal transportation options for residents of all ages and abilities

Parks & Open Space
Exciting video from around the county from Parks & Open Space

Public Health
Regular updates from Public Health for all members of the community

Sheriff’s Office
News and important information from the Sheriff’s Office

Wildfire Partners
Wildfire Partners provides wildfire mitigation information and assistance to all residents of Boulder County.

Find us on LinkedIn

Boulder County Government
Boulder County is a caring county government that offers professional growth, an inclusive culture, comprehensive benefits and daily opportunities to make a difference in the community.

Housing and Human Services
Job postings within Boulder County’s Housing and Human Services Department

Sheriff’s Office
Learn about employment opportunities within the Sheriff’s Office

Wildfire Partners
Sharing job opportunities with Wildlife Partners and employee successes

Workforce Boulder County
We serve all job-seekers (from entry-level to executive level), youth, veterans, as well as small businesses to major corporations seeking assistance with recruiting.

Find us on Nextdoor

Boulder County Government
Boulder County news and information

Public Health
Public Health protects, promotes, and enhances the health and well-being of all people and the environment in Boulder County.

Sheriff’s Office
News and important information from the Sheriff’s Office

Contact Us

Commissioners’ Office


Commissioners' website


Commissioners’ Office
Boulder County Courthouse
Third Floor
1325 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306