Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Septic System Data

Septic System Data

Database Upgrade

Please note that we are currently undergoing an upgrade to our database which will temporarily limit access to some online records.

If you are looking for permits and associated records created after June 20, 2019, please send us an email or call 303-441-1564.

The table below contains field name and definitions for septic system data for dwellings within Boulder County, Colorado.

Septic systems are the second most frequently cited source of groundwater contamination in our country. Unapproved, aging, and failing septic systems have a large impact on the quality and safety of our water supply.

See data for septic systems in Boulder County.

Column NameDescription
B1_APPL_STATUSStatus of the permit
B1_APP_TYPE_ALIASType of permit
B1_ALT_IDPermit # associated with this onsite wastewater treatment system record
TypeofSystemDescription indicating the septic system type
Dwelling TypeIndicates whether dwelling is residential or commercial
AreaofLotSize of the lot, in acres, that contains the onsite wastewater treatment system
BedroomsNumber of bedrooms the OWTS is sized for
LimitingLayerIndicates whether there is a limiting layer for the Soil Treatment Area
TreatmentDepthDepth of treatment for the Soil Treatment Area
InstallerNameName of the installer
InstallingFirmName of the business the installer is employed by
EngineerNameName of the engineer
EngineeringFirmName of the business the engineer is employed by
AddressNumberStreet number for the address of the site
StreetDirectionStreet direction for the address of the site
StreetNameStreet name for the address of the site
StreetSuffixSuffix for the address of the site
b1_UNIT_STARTUnit number or apartment number for the address of the site
CityCity of the address for the site
ZipCodeZip code for the address for the site

Contact Us

SepticSmart Program

Main: 303-441-1564
Submit a question


3450 Broadway
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

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