Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Gifted and Inherited Vehicles

Appointments now required for in-person visits. Additionally, registration renewals need to be completed out of office. Options include online, by mail or drop box, or at a self-service kiosk. Read about these changes (including benefits, and FAQs). Información en español.

Vehicle Registration - Gifted and Inherited Vehicles

Car keys on a gift box

If you recently received a vehicle (car, truck, SUV, motorcycle, or motor home) as a gift, you have 60 days to register your vehicle at one of our three MV branch locations.

Registration Checklist

To ensure same-day service at the counter, please come prepared with the following documentation:

  • Secure and Verifiable ID for the new owner or designated power of attorney.
  • Vehicle Title
    • Must be properly endorsed by the previous owner.
    • If the person giving the vehicle and the person receiving the vehicle have two different last names, a bill of sale may be required.
  • Emissions Test (if required)
    • When you receive a vehicle as a gift, you are required to have a new emissions test even if the current inspection report still has time on it (unless the vehicle is exempt from emissions requirements).
    • Please see our Emissions Testing page for more information.
  • Odometer Reading if the vehicle is less than 10 years old
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Verification for out-of-state vehicles
  • Payment
    • To be exempt from sales tax, the vehicle must be given as a gift and without consideration. Assumption of debt would subject the vehicle to Sales Tax.
    • You can estimate your registration fees online. (Be sure to use the original MSRP – you may need to look this up online.)
    • See Fees and Sales Taxes for more information.
Last Will and Testament document

Registering a Vehicle Received through Inheritance

When you inherit a vehicle that you plan to drive, you will need to bring the following items to one of our offices in order to title and register the vehicle.

If you are already an owner listed on the title and/or you plan to sell the inherited vehicle, you only need to complete a title transfer.

Checklist for Registering an Inherited Vehicle

  • Secure and Verifiable ID for the new owner or Power of Attorney
    • If you are a designated power of attorney, you must also bring a completed and notarized Form DR2175
  • Death Certificate
  • Court Order
    • A copy of the court order (such as the Letters of Testamentary) appointing the personal representative or executor of estate.
    • If there is no court order, bring a completed and notarized Form DR2712 (Small Estate Proceeding). You may also complete this form and have it notarized at our office.
  • Transfer Title to new owner
    • When a single owner is listed on the title:
      • Seller’s Area of title: The representative named on court papers or Small Estate Proceedings must hand print the deceased owner’s name and then sign their own name and write “successor” or “personal representative” next to their signature.
      • Buyer’s Area of title: New owner(s) must hand print and sign their name.
    • If more than one owner is listed on the title, please see this page.
    • Odometer Reading
      • If the vehicle is under 10 years old, enter a current and accurate odometer reading in the Odometer Reading box of the title. Also check the odometer indicator checkbox.
  • Proof of Insurance
  • Emissions Test
    • When you transfer a title for a vehicle that is subject to emissions requirements, you are required to have a new emissions test even if the current inspection report still has time on it.
  • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Verification
    • Required if the vehicle has an out-of-state title or is from outside Colorado.
    • Our Motor Vehicle offices can perform the VIN verification for $20 per vehicle.
  • Payment

Important Tips

Emissions Tests

Emissions tests are not transferable when a vehicle changes ownership. If you receive a vehicle that is subject to emissions requirements, you must get a new test (even if the last inspection hasn’t expired).

Title Transfers

Titles must be properly endorsed, which can be tricky for inherited vehicles. Please pay special attention to the instructions on this page. If you make a mistake, it may invalidate the title. Please contact our office if you have questions about how to properly endorse a title.

Contact Us

Motor Vehicle Division

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays
Online Motor Vehicle Contact Us Form
Contáctenos - Formulario en línea

Phone: 303-413-7710
Fax: 303-413-7706


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

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