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October 27, 2020

Boulder County Commissioners appoint Erik Davidson as RTD District I Director

The Board of County Commissioners interviewed eight candidates for the position while receiving significant public input.

(Boulder County, Colo. – Oct. 27, 2020) – Last month, the Regional Transportation District (RTD) requested that the Boulder County Board of County Commissioners fill the board director vacancy for District I (map) when no candidates received enough signatures to appear on the ballot for the 2020 General Election.*

After conducting a public process that encouraged candidate interest, stakeholder input, and public feedback, the Boulder County Commissioners voted on Oct. 27 to appoint Erik Davidson to the position of RTD District I Director. Davidson’s business background and financial experience with struggling businesses were cited as being particularly important given RTD’s financial difficulties.

As we know, RTD is at a real crossroads from an operational standpoint and is in serious financial trouble. The next board representative for District I will need to navigate multiple challenges made much worse by COVID-19 impacts and I felt we needed to appoint someone with the strongest possible financial expertise and proven success working with large, complex organizations like RTD. From feedback provided by transit professionals and my experience as a member of the RTD Accountability Committee, I feel that Erik Davidson best fit the bill to help move RTD in the right direction.

-Boulder County Commissioner Elise Jones

It was a very difficult decision to choose just one candidate from a group of eight excellent choices. Each of the candidates brought something unique to the table and I hope that each of them will pursue public service opportunities that will benefit from their commitment, perspective, and experience.

-Boulder County Commissioner Matt Jones

All eight candidates contributed to a dynamic discussion on how best to serve the constituents of District I and we sincerely appreciated that they were willing to put themselves out there in direct public view for consideration. While the enthusiasm and out-of-the box thinking that each of them brought to the process would be a welcome contribution to the RTD Board in steadier times, today’s reality requires a highly astute financial manager and someone with Erik’s experience of turning around organizations in significant financial distress.

-Boulder County Commissioner Deb Gardner

Process for filling the vacancy

The Boulder County Commissioners received nine letters of interest from applicants interested in being considered for the vacancy. The commissioners invited all nine to proceed with taped interviews. (One applicant withdrew their name prior to the interviews, leaving eight candidates.)

Using input from members of the public solicited in September, the commissioners selected five questions to ask each of the candidates. The same five questions were used in all eight interviews. (Most interviews were shorter than 30 minutes.)

Video recordings along with the candidates’ letters of interest were made available publicly for District I residents and stakeholders to review and more than one hundred individuals provided written comments to the commissioners indicating their preferences and input on the eight candidates.

At a business meeting on Oct. 27, 2020, at 10:30 a.m., the commissioners deliberated on their choices of candidates and voted in a split vote to appoint Erik Davidson to the position of RTD District I Board Director (the discussion of the RTD board appointment begins at 16:50 of the recorded meeting:


State law requires that the county with the highest number of eligible electors within the district – in this case, Boulder County – fill a vacancy via appointment. (District I consists of the eastern portion of Boulder County – including most of the City of Longmont, the City of Lafayette, and the Town of Erie – the City/County of Broomfield, and parts of unincorporated Adams and Weld Counties.)

Current District I director, Judy Lubow, who has served in the position for eight years, is term-limited and her term ends Dec. 31, 2020. (See RTD Board of Directors website for additional information on the makeup of the RTD Board.)

Related announcements:

Map of all RTD districts

Click on image to expand map to an open tab

Boulder county Board of County Commissioners