The Public Works (PW), formerly Transportation, and Community Planning and Permitting (CP&P), formerly Land Use, departments issue permits that regulate activities in the public right-of-way. These permits help maintain the integrity of Boulder County’s road system and protect the health, safety, and welfare of the traveling public.
Roadway- and Right-of-Way-Related Permits
- Special Events (CP&P) – A special event permit is required whenever an event uses a road in unincorporated Boulder County.
- Access Permits (CP&P) – For permitting access to and associated improvements for private access to county roads (driveways, bridges, and culverts).
- Roadway Construction Permits (PW) – Improvements in the county right-of-way that will be maintained by the county; includes plans
- Right-of-Way Requests (CP&P and PW)- Boulder County, by state statue, regulates utility and other construction in the right-of-way to maintain access to utilities, ensure the integrity of roads, and to ensure safety and traffic flow. Public determination of right-of-way is subject to review by CP&P.
- Storm Drainage Criteria Manual (PW)- Ensures correct drainage in developed areas
- Road Service Requests (PW)- For making requests for repairs or maintenance of county roads and infrastructure
- Road Maintenance Agreement (PW)- To conduct work in non-maintained county right-of-way. Provides parameters on what can be done; includes plans
- Stormwater Quality Application (PW) – Required for development of any land in unincorporated Boulder County
- Grading Permit (CP&P) – For grading, excavation, or placement of fill in excess of 50 yards.
- Oversize/Overweight Permit(PW)- Regulates the use of the right-of-way by vehicles and equipment that exceeds state or local size and weight limits.
- Utility Construction Permit (PW)- For regulated and non-regulated public and private utilities; includes plans
- Floodplain Development (CP&P) – Required for any development in an officially designated floodplain