Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Sheriff’s Reserve Unit

Sheriff's Reserve Unit

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Reserve, first organized as the Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol in 1958, provides a ready resource of qualified, trained volunteer manpower to the operations of the Sheriff’s Office.

Reserve Unit Composition

The Reserve Unit is composed of three sections: the Operations Reserves, the Jail Reserves, and the Sheriff’s Volunteers.

Reserves and Volunteer Groups

The Operations reserves are sworn, uniformed, fully state-certified deputies who are trained to support the operations of the agency’s patrol and detective section. Reserve deputies ride along as partner officers on patrol, provide for traffic and crowd control at events, monitor Home Detention clients for compliance with regulations, coordinate warrant sweeps, participate in surveillances, and provide a ready source of trained manpower for virtually any situation.

The Jail Reserves are sworn, uniformed deputies; they need not be state-certified. They are trained to support the operations of the Boulder County Jail. They ensure the security of inmates and staff, assist with the booking of prisoners, oversee inmate work details, and participate in transports and extraditions.

The Reserves must meet the same criteria for appointment as full-time deputies and must complete the same level of testing and training. Applications are accepted year-round, but applicant processing is coordinated with the full-time employee hiring processes. Following appointment, Reserves are scheduled to attend an “on-the-job” field training program that is modified to accommodate personal work schedules. Reserves are expected to commit at least 20 hours per month to the operations of the Sheriff’s Office, including attendance at a monthly business and in-service training session that is held on the first Wednesday evening of the month. The Sheriff’s Office provides uniforms and ballistic vests; Reserves must provide a weapon that meets agency standards and appropriate footgear.

The Sheriff’s Volunteers are a component of the Reserve Unit. They are non-sworn, non-uniformed, non-state-certified volunteers, who are typically recruited to fulfill a specific function in the Operations Division, supporting the Patrol and Detective Sections. For example, volunteers conduct basic follow-up on outstanding arrest warrants, test fire and retrieve ballistic samples from weapons confiscated by deputies, and work with individual detectives on basic case follow-up. Applications are accepted year-round and processed as the need for someone to fill a specific function arises. Volunteers must be at least 21 years of age, of upright moral character, and willing to commit a minimum of 20 hours a month to the operations of the Sheriff’s Office. Criminal history, driving history, and personal reference checks are completed prior to conducting an interview with Reserve staff.

Contact Us

Sheriff's Headquarters

5600 Flatiron Parkway
Boulder, CO 80301
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Main: 303-441-3600


Boulder County Jail

3200 Airport Road
Boulder, CO 80301
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Main: 303-441-4600

Communications Center

3280 Airport Road
Boulder, CO 80301
Main: 303-441-4444

Sheriff badge