Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Juvenile Services

Juvenile Services

The Boulder County Juvenile Center provides services to criminally charged youth, whose offenses range from municipal warrants to felonies. In addition to providing services such as lodging, assessments, and supervision, the Juvenile Center offers community service and alternative incarceration programs to its clients.

Juvenile Pretrial Programs

  • Juvenile Assessment Center
    The Juvenile Center is the only county funded intake, assessment and short-term detention facility in the state, with a maximum holding capacity of 20 youths. It provides secure lodging for youth ages 10-17 ensuring public safety. This 20 bed facility provides structured programming including educational and life skill activities in order to further reduce harm. Volunteers and Interns assist staff with daily Center activities and special programming such as therapy dogs, art education, gardening and music therapy.
  • Detention Screening Process
    Arrested youth who are brought to Juvenile Assessment Center (JAC) are booked into a database. If the arresting agency determines that an individual needs to be lodged, Center Staff will begin the Bond Commissioner process. Youth arrested on district or county charges under the jurisdiction of the 20th Judicial District are assessed for bond, with adherence to the District’s Chief Judge’s Administrative Orders.
  • Juvenile Restraint Reform
    In June 2013, Boulder County, with full support of the Boulder County Commissioners, established a Juvenile Restraint Reform Task Force consisting of key players from the Juvenile Justice System. The Task Force examined case law, best practices, and logistical issues surrounding the topic and drafted criteria for sustainable Juvenile Restraint Reform. Effective January 15, 2014, they elected to abolish the long standing practice of indiscriminate shackling of Boulder County juveniles during court proceedings. All juveniles from here forward shall not be restrained in court except when ordered by the court prior to their hearing.
  • Juvenile Bond Commissioner Program
    Juvenile Center Staff perform initial bond assessments of incarcerated youth in accordance with 20th Judicial District Administrative Rules. Juveniles may be released on bond by Center Staff with appropriate conditions established to ensure public safety.
  • Boulder Enhanced Supervision Team (B.E.S.T.)
    An intensive pretrial supervision program for youth at risk of being detained pending disposition of their charges. The program philosophy is based on building a positive relationship between youth and caseworker. Behavior is closely supervised to ensure proper services are being provided the youth while remaining in the community. B.E.S.T. is funded by the state SB 94 program. Teen Mentoring Program – B.E.S.T.

Juvenile Post-Sentencing Programs

  • Juvenile Community Service Program
    Allows youth to perform community service as a condition of their court sentence. The program refers youth to selected tax-supported or non-profit agencies which provide supervised work environments. The youth are able to work off restitution or community service hours ordered by the court.
  • Weekend Alternative Sentencing Program
    Permits youth who would normally be sentenced to a state Division of Youth Services regional detention center to be lodged in the Juvenile Center.
  • School/Work Release Alternatives Sentencing Program
    Allows youth who would normally be sentenced to a state Division of Youth Services regional detention center to be lodged in our Juvenile Center for up to 21 days. The youth is released each day to attend school or work in accordance with a case plan jointly developed with the courts juveniles professionals. This program serves a critical need for adjudicated youth as it allows them to continue their education and/ or maintain their employment safely in their community while they are satisfying a court ordered sanction.

Juvenile Diversion Programs

  • The Center for Prevention and Restorative Justice (CPRJ) in the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office delivers a high-quality diversion model emphasizing accountability and prevention and offering an alternative to formal prosecution for juveniles and adults. CPRJ uses early intervention, validated assessment, and individualized case planning to match services to needs in order to effectively decrease risk of recidivism, increase protective factors, and improve community safety. CPRJ’s in-house Restorative Justice program provides high-quality restorative services in conjunction with diversion supervision, supporting the person who committed the crime to understand the impact of their actions, take meaningful responsibility, and repair the harm to the extent possible.