Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available at

Colorado License Plates

Appointments now required for in-person visits. Additionally, registration renewals need to be completed out of office. Options include online, by mail or drop box, or at a self-service kiosk. Read about these changes (including benefits, and FAQs). Información en español.

Colorado License Plates

License Plate Options

Customer looking at license plate options

Colorado offers many different license plate styles and options. Most plate styles can be personalized and many plates can be ordered online when you register your vehicle or as replacement plates. Plates other than Regular Plates usually have special requirements and fees. Please click on the images below for details.

Most regular and disability plates are available on the same day you visit a Motor Vehicle office. Special plates will be printed on demand and mailed to your home within 10 days of ordering.

Regular Colorado License Plate
Standard plate with no special requirements or fees.

Learn more about regular plates

Colorado Designer License Plate
A special design with extra fees but no special requirements.

Learn more about designer plates

University of Colorado Boulder License Plate
Available for 13 Colorado colleges and universities.

Find your school

Rocky Mountain National Park Special License Plate
Available for 40 different organizations and causes.

Learn more about group plates

U.S. Army License Plate
Select styles are free for qualifying military members. Requires special application.

Learn more about military plates

Colorado collector plates
Plates for a variety of special purposes, including collector vehicles, farm trucks, and other commercial vehicles.

Learn more about other specialty plates

General Requirements

  • Colorado requires that all vehicles display valid license plates. Most vehicles must have two plates – one for the front and one for the rear of the vehicle.
  • License plates are issued for a 12-month period. You must renew your registration every year.
  • When you sell a vehicle, the plates are not transferable to the new owner. You must take your plates off of the vehicle when you sell it.
  • As a buyer, you can drive a vehicle without plates for 36 hours, or from point A to point B, as long as you have the endorsed title and Bill of Sale.
  • You cannot reuse your old plates on your new car effective January 2022. You can transfer credit for any remaining valid registration.

More Info

Most plate styles can be personalized for an extra fee. You can order personalized plates when you register your vehicle (either online or at one of our offices) or to replace your current plates. Click here to order online.

Looking to replace your existing plates with a different plate style? You can request plates online here.

Note that many (but not all) plate styles are available online. (See plate details on this page).

You can also request a specific plate type when you register your vehicle online.

If your plates are lost or stolen, it is important that you cancel them in order to avoid liability. Please see our Canceling License Plates page for instructions.

If your plates have been lost/stolen/damaged or you want to replace your current plates with specialty plates, you can do so either online or by visiting one of our offices.

Many (but not all) plate styles are available online. (See plate details on this page). Also, the online option is not available for remanufacturing of personalized plates. Please contact us to initiate the replacement of personalized plates.

For information about applying for handicapped plates, please visit our Disability Parking page.

Some military plate styles are exempt from registration fees and ownership taxes for those who qualify. Please refer to the Military License Plate Application for styles and qualification requirements.

Contact Us

Motor Vehicle Division

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays
Online Motor Vehicle Contact Us Form
Contáctenos - Formulario en línea

Phone: 303-413-7710
Fax: 303-413-7706


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

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