Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

DC-15-0003: Amendments related to adoption of firing or shooting ranges as a specific use definition

DC-15-0003: Amendments related to adoption of firing or shooting ranges as a specific use definition

Docket DC-15-0003 concerned Boulder County Land Use Code amendments related to adoption of firing or shooting ranges as a specific use definition, definitions related to the use, and related review and process criteria for the use. Staff proposed text amendments to Article 4 and Article 18 of the Land Use Code to address the allowance and regulation of shooting or firing ranges as a use in unincorporated areas of Boulder County. The docket was approved on May 2, 2017, and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners on June 20, 2017 in Resolution-2017-77, effective May 2, 2017.

Past Public Meetings and Hearing Information

Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing – May 2, 2017

The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) reviewed proposed text amendments to Articles 4 and 18 of the Boulder County Land Use Code regarding firing ranges on May 2, 2017. After a staff presentation, public testimony and deliberation, the BOCC voted (3-0) to approve Docket DC-15-0003: Proposed Boulder County Land Use Code Amendments to Article 4 and Article 18 regarding firing ranges and authorized the County Land Use Department to make appropriate clerical corrections to portions of the Code not specifically amended herein, with augmentation for wildfire mitigation, and as may be necessary to incorporate the proposed Amendments into the Code.

Planning Commission Public Hearing – October 19, 2016

On October 19, 2016, Planning Commission held a public hearing on Docket DC-15-0003 – Proposed Boulder County Land Use Code Amendments to Article 4 and Article 18 regarding firing ranges. Staff presented the proposed text amendments that include changes to provisions to improve health and safety protections related to use of land for firing ranges. After public testimony and deliberation, Planning Commission voted to approve Docket DC-15-0003 and recommend approval by the Board of County Commissioners, and encourage the Board of County Commissioners to look at the idea of having range supervision and consider idea of prohibiting shooting ranges in the Forestry District.



The county participates in the Northern Front Range Recreational Sport Shooting Management Partnership. The collaborative process has worked to identify solutions for locating sites where recreational shooting can occur in a safe, accessible manner while controlling the impacts to neighbors and other recreational users in the mountains. The collaborative has identified some specific criteria for locating ranges. Before the adoption of DC-15-0003, the county Land Use Code did not specifically address this use and was lacking in appropriate criteria to properly mitigate impacts. Criteria developed as part of the partnership effort as well as other specific development standards have been incorporated into a new use definition in Article 4-510 of the Land Use Code. The addition of this specific use definition also required amendments to other use definitions including but not limited to Outdoor Recreation, for day use.


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