Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

Docket BCCP-08-003: Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element Update

The Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is open to the public on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m., and on Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Appointments are available on Tuesday but are not required. Schedule an appointment.

Docket BCCP-08-003: Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element Update

Docket BCCP-08-003: Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Update Environmental Resources Element, Goals & Policies was approved by Planning Commission on June 19, 2013. Revised Environmental Resources Element Maps were adopted by Planning Commission on October 14, 2014.

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Environmental Resources Element Update Past Public Meetings

Planning Commission Public Hearing – July 15, 2015
Request to the Planning Commission during a Public Hearing for map corrections and amendments to the recently approved Environmental Resources Element map to reflect best available information for the Rare Plants & Significant Natural Communities map and the Preble’s Meadow Jumping Mouse Conservation Areas map.
Action Taken: Adoption
Documents: Staff report to Planning Commission for July 15, 2015

Corrected/Amended Maps:

Planning Commission Public Hearing – October 15, 2014
Request to the Planning Commission to adopt the text and map revisions to the BCCP Environmental Resources Element as approved by the Planning Commission on June 19, 2013, December 18, 2013, and June 18, 2014. Public testimony was taken.
Action Taken: Adoption
Documents: BCCP-08-003: Staff Report to Planning Commission, October 15, 2014

Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing – September 11, 2014
The Board of County Commissioners accepted all revisions to the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element maps and text as approved by the county Planning Commission on June 18, 2014 without changes, and authorized staff to initiate Land Use Code text amendments to reflect those revisions. Planning Commission was asked to adopt the revisions to the Environmental Resources Element at their hearing on October 15, 2014.
Documents: Staff Report to BOCC for September 11, 2014

Planning Commission Public Hearing – June 18, 2014
Planning Commission voted (8-0) to approve the following language as a new policy for inclusion to the Environmental Resources Element of the BCCP: “Acknowledging our responsibility to ensure that naturally occurring ecosystems and their native species populations continue to exist and flourish in Boulder County, Boulder County will develop conservation and recovery plans for priority Species of Special Concern.”

Planning Commission Public Hearing – May 21, 2014
Planning Commission voted (5-0) to approve draft language, asking staff to edit/clean up if appropriate and bring it back to the June 18th Planning Commission meeting for final action: “Acknowledging our responsibility to ensure that naturally occurring ecosystems and their native species populations continue to exist and flourish in Boulder County, Boulder County will develop conservation and recovery plans for priority species of special concern.” Public testimony was taken.

Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing – February 11, 2014
The Boulder County Land Use (now Community Planning & Permitting) and Parks & Open Space departments presented the updated Environmental Resources Element to the Board of County Commissioners for discussion and suggestions, and for public comment. The updated Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element, as approved by the Planning Commission on December 18, 2013, is newly updated with revised narrative, goals, policies, and maps.

Planning Commission Public Hearing – December 18, 2013
Planning Commission review and action on the updated maps for the Environmental Resources Element. Public Testimony was taken.
Staff Planners: Pete Fogg and Bill Davidson – Land Use; Justin Atherton-Wood – Parks & Open Space
Documents: BCCP-08-003: Staff Report to Planning Commission for December 18, 2013

Planning Commission Public Hearing – November 20, 2013
Planning Commission review of the updated maps for the Environmental Resources Element. Public Testimony was taken.

Planning Commission Public Hearing – November 21, 2013
POSAC review of proposed updates to the Environmental Resources Element of the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan. Public Testimony was taken.

Open House – October 29, 2013
An open house regarding proposed updates to the environmental resource maps in the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan (the BCCP) will be held in Boulder on Tuesday, October 29. The map update process has been occurring in conjunction with the updates to the Goals and Policies of the Environmental Resources Element that were approved by Planning Commission in July 2013. Like all the elements and maps in the BCCP, these maps are used to inform decision-making about land uses and resource management in the county. The last time these maps were updated was in 1995.

Planning Commission Study Session – October 16, 2013
Study Session: Planning Staff report on Rights of Nature Movement as requested by Planning Commission at their June 19, 2013 meeting. Public Testimony was taken.
Documents: Staff Report on Rights of Nature Movement for October 16, 2013

Planning Commission Public Hearing – June 19, 2013
Planning Commission review of the draft Environmental Resources Element update, including revisions prepared by staff pursuant to the May 15, 2013 Planning Commission hearing. Public testimony was taken.
Documents: BCCP-08-003: Staff Report to Planning Commission for June 19, 2013

Planning Commission Public Hearing – May 15, 2013
Planning Commission review of the draft Environmental Resources Element update, including revisions prepared by staff pursuant to the April 4, 2013 Planning Commission hearing. Public Testimony was taken.

Planning Commission Public Hearing – April 4, 2013
Planning Commission discussion of the draft Environmental Resources Element update, including review of public comments and Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee discussion. Staff requested Planning Commission direction for preparing revisions to the draft. Study Session – No Action Requested. Public Testimony was not taken.

Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee Public Hearing – February 28, 2013
The Parks & Open Space Advisory Committee (POSAC) reviewed and discussed the proposed update to the Environmental Resources Element at their meeting on February 28. Staff presented an overview of the proposed update and a summary of input provided at the Open House held on February 6. POSAC made a recommendation to the Land Use Planning Commission (PC) (PC) for approval of the updated goals and policies of the element with minor text changes.

Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element Open House – February 6, 2013
The Land Use (now Community Planning & Permitting) and Parks & Open Space Departments held an open house to present and discuss a proposed draft update of the current Boulder County Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element goals and policies. The draft is part of an on-going project to revise and update the Comprehensive Plan.
Documents: BCCP-08-003: Comprehensive Plan Environmental Resources Element Draft, January 25, 2013

Planning Commission Public Hearing – January 16, 2013
Briefing on schedule for Environmental Resources Element update including POSAC meetings. Informational Item – No Action Requested. Public testimony was not taken.
Documents: BCCP-08-003: Staff Report for Planning Commission for January 16, 2013


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