Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

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September 16, 2020

Upcoming Events from Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA)

BCAAA Providing Series of Engaging, Educational Events for Community


Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA) invites interested community members to join the BCAAA for healthy aging opportunities, to learn more about benefits for veterans and an upcoming RFP opportunity and more.

Diabetes Prevention Program

These classes are conducted on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to noon and will begin on Wednesday, September 16. This class is for people who have prediabetes diagnosis or are at-risk. To find out if you qualify, please call 303-441-4710 or email

Veterans Benefits Web Series

Veterans Service Officers J. P. Brown and Karen Townsend will be providing a webinar series on benefits for veterans through the end of 2020. This informative series is conveniently scheduled for a lunch hour and will be recorded. Please click the links below to register for each session of the series. The series will be hosted on the GoToWebinar platform. Find more information and registration links at

Diabetes Support and Education Group

Join on Monday, September 21 from 11 a.m. to noon for this month’s topic, “Effects of Artificial Sweeteners and Alcohol on Your Blood Sugar!” This program is conducted by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is also a Certified Diabetes Educator. Please email with your contact information. A link or phone number to the virtual meeting and handouts will be sent following registration.

Falls Prevention Week

The week-long series of events features a collaboration of virtual activities organized by agencies, organizations, and individuals to help folks on ways to reduce their changes on falling, while having some fun in the process. A virtual Falls Prevention Week will be held this year from September 21-25. Visit for more information.

Request for Proposals (RFP) for Services

BCAAA is seeking proposals from qualified organizations interested in providing services to older adults and family, and informal caregivers. The RFP will be released and available for completion beginning on Wednesday, September 23 and will close on October 30. Find more details at

Senior Law Day

Boulder County Senior Law Day offers older adults, their family and caregivers, and professionals the opportunity to learn about the legal complications that impact the population as we age. Boulder County Senior Law Day is presenting a series of free virtual sessions that will inform attendees about a variety of topics. All presentations will be from noon to 1 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays through October 1. Other resources will also be available including information about local services providers and legal clinics for more personalized consultation. Find more at

Medicare Open Enrollment

From October 15 to December 7, enroll in health and drug plans for 2020. Use the following three quick tips to get ready for Medicare Open Enrollment.

  • Check mail - get important notices from current plan, Medicare, or Social Security about changes to coverage. Receive brochures from companies that offer Medicare health and prescription drug plans.
  • Review current coverage - plans change and so do needs. Carefully review any materials and changes in costs or coverage that will happen in 2021 and decide if current Medicare coverage will meet needs for the year ahead.
  • Get personalized help! - BCAAA Medicare Counselors are here to help. Visit to see the latest information about classes and appointments.

Medicare Basics Classes

Participants learn about how and when to enroll, how to avoid financial penalties, the different parts of Medicare, what is covered and what is not, Medicare fraud, and other information related to Medicare. Visit the Medicare Counseling page at for links to register for upcoming classes.

Aging Well in Boulder County Newsletter

Check out the September edition of ‘Aging Well in Boulder County at

Email BCAAA at to subscribe to the monthly newsletter distribution list.

Clases Básicas de Medicare Virtual (en español)

Las clases básicas de Medicare son ofrecidas por medio del programa de Medicare del Condado de Boulder. La próxima clase es el 24 de septiembre a la 1 p.m. La clase en línea usará la plataforma de equipos de Microsoft (MS Teams). Las clases proveen información imparcial y actualizada sobre la inscripción en Medicare, los beneficios, los costos, qué y cómo paga Medicare, las opciones de los planes de Medicare, cómo funcionan y la cobertura de medicamentos recetados. Para inscribirse, visiteñol.