Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Healthy Aging Programs

BCAAA supports and encourages all older adults in making healthy lifestyle choices. Our Healthy Aging Team is dedicated to helping you learn how to be an active participant in your personal health and well-being. Our programs offer valuable tools for supporting overall well-being; reducing the fear of falling; managing chronic health problems and pain; cultivating present moment awareness; eating healthier; and increasing physical activity.

Wellness Programs

We offer a variety of evidence-based and evidence-informed programs to foster well-being. Topics range from emphasizing wellness in everyday life to specific areas of focus for health-related issues.

AMP: Life expectancy has increased dramatically over the past 50 years, yet societal expectations of older adults has changed very little. What should we do with this gift of living longer? The Aging Mastery Program is an evidence-informed enrichment program that encourages adults to take steps to support happiness and longevity. AMP includes 10 topics, covered over a number of weekly sessions, that pairs information on physical health, financial health, and life enrichment with action steps and activities.

AMP for Caregivers: AMP for Caregivers consists of the standard Aging Mastery Program core curriculum “bookended” with two classes specifically designed to address caregiver concerns.

About one in three adults over the age of 65 will fall in a given year and this number increases with each decade. Unfortunately many falls result in significant injury and can lead to reduced independence. These are frightening statistics and not surprisingly, many people become quite afraid of falling. A Matter of Balance is an eight week program designed to help people reduce their fear of falling and increase their physical activity. Classes include discussions on how to view falls as controllable, set goals for increasing physical activity, make changes in the home to reduce the risk of falling and practice exercises to increase strength, balance and flexibility.

One in four Americans aged 65 and over fall each year. Falls are the leading cause of injuries, which can be fatal, for older adults. A fall can have serious impacts on long-term health, day-to-day function, and independence. The good news is that many falls can be prevented. One of the ways you can prevent a fall is by knowing who you can call on for help or creating a falls prevention team to help you spot and address your fall risks. This year’s Falls Prevention Month will be held throughout September. Our goal remains the same – helping you learn the many ways to prevent falls. View fall prevention resources.

Mindfulness Meditation

Community Drop-In Sessions (Live, Online)

Mindfulness meditation is a practice of encouraging attention to the present moment. By allowing for awareness of what is most present now, we develop our capacity for moments of focus, openness, and peace in our lives.

What: Each session will include a guided meditation, with emphasis on bringing purposeful and kind attention to our experience, followed by time for reflections and questions about the practice. Beginners and experienced meditators are welcome.

When: 10-10:40 a.m.

  • 10-10:05 a.m.—Arriving and settling in
  • 10:05-10:30 a.m.—Introduction and guided meditation
  • 10:30-10:40 a.m.—Group discussion

Where: Zoom. Register for the mindful meditation class.

(Please note these are drop-in sessions and you can register at any time to join one, multiple, or all sessions.)

Facilitator: Kara Traikoff is the Wellness Program Specialist with Boulder County Area Agency on Aging. She has a background in higher education and community mindfulness, and she specializes in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and adapted mindfulness courses to support healing, growth, and self-compassion. Kara is passionate about encouraging others to experience and live the fullest life possible. She leads and creates wellness opportunities from the heart of her dedicated personal mindfulness practice.

Did you know that mindfulness may help us age better? Research shows that a regular mindfulness practice can protect our health in several ways as we age. It may even help us live longer, more fulfilling lives. Check out this article from the Greater Good Magazine to learn more how mindfulness can helps us age better.

Diabetes Prevention Program

Has your doctor told you that you have pre-diabetes? By eating a healthy diet, losing small amounts of weight and getting regular physical activity, many people can avoid developing diabetes. The year-long Diabetes Prevention Program provides support as participants work to adopt a healthier life style.

Did you know that one in three Coloradans have prediabetes? Left untreated, prediabetes can raise your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. The good news is that you can prevent these serious complications.

The Diabetes Prevention Program provides:

  • A proven behavior change program developed by the Centers for Disease Control
  • A trained lifestyle coach to provide support and guidance to participants
  • Skill building to help you lose weight, become more physically active, and better manage stress

What should you know?

  • This is a year-long program.
  • There is limited space, so sign up early.
  • Classes are offered without charge to qualified participants.

Diabetes Support and Education Group

This group is for Boulder County older adults (60+) with a diabetes diagnosis or those caring for someone with a diabetes diagnosis. The group is facilitated by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, who is also a Certified Diabetes Educator. There is no cost to attend, but registration is required. These classes run from 11 a.m. to noon.

Classes in 2024 include:

  • Gastroparesis and Celiac Disease with Diabetes – Monday, Sept. 16
  • Diabetes and Exercise – Monday, Oct. 21
  • Managing Diabetes During the Holidays – Monday, Nov. 18
  • No class in Dec. ’24.

Nearly 50% of all adults have at least one chronic health condition. Living with ongoing health problems can significantly limit daily activities, zap your energy and interfere with your quality of life. Healthier Living is a chronic disease self-management program developed by Stanford University. In this six-week workshop, you will learn the skills to manage chronic health problems and get back to enjoying your life.

Learn more about our SHIP Certified Medicare Counseling Program

Learn more about our Caregiver Programs

Opportunities to be Involved

  • Healthcare Providers – Are you a healthcare provider looking to connect with the AAA’s Healthy Aging Programs? Contact us.
  • Become a Wellness Leader – Are you looking for an opportunity to give back to your community? Wellness programs are led by community volunteers who care about older adults and are interested in helping them maintain or improve their health and well-being. Our evidence-based programs are designed to be led by community leaders. Appropriate training for each program is provided. Experience in the health care field is not required, however we do look for individuals who are comfortable talking to groups and working with older adults. For more information, contact us at 303-413-7594.
  • Community Engagement – Our team of experts welcomes the opportunity to meet with your staff, community group, or organization to explain and assist in accessing available wellness opportunities.

Contact Healthy Aging

Kara Traikoff (she/ella) | 303-413-7594 |

Contact Us

Boulder County Area
Agency on Aging

Information/Resources: 303-441-1617

Mailing Address

Boulder County Area Agency on Aging
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

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