Amended fire restrictions: Stage 1 fire restrictions in western Boulder County. Fire restrictions rescinded in eastern Boulder County.

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October 4, 2019

Media Contact

Andrew Barth, 303-441-1032

Transportation Master Plan Update: Drafts of final documents available for review

Planning Commission to hold public hearing on Wednesday, Oct. 16

Boulder County, Colo. - The public’s help last fall and this spring during the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) kick-off sessions, draft TMP update public open houses, and comment period was invaluable during the initial phases of the Transportation Master Plan (TMP) Update.

With your help, we were able to produce two draft documents that will now move on to the Boulder County Planning Commission for their review: a technical report; and, a summary report. All are welcome to review the draft documents at

There’s also a question and comment form on the project website if you’d like to provide more thoughts more about the documents; please provide all input by Monday, Oct. 21.

Public testimony will be taken at the hearing with the Planning Commission.

TMP Document Public Hearing and Discussion with Planning Commission

  • When: Wednesday, Oct. 16. Afternoon session starts at 1:30 p.m. (the TMP Update is the third item on the session's full agenda)
  • Where: Commissioners Hearing Room, 2045 13th Street, Boulder, CO 80302

After the hearing, we will take feedback and make adjustments to the documents as appropriate, then return to the Planning Commission for recommendation on adoption before bringing the TMP documents to the Board of County Commissioners for a final hearing at a date to be determined.

A lot has changed in Boulder County since the TMP was last updated in 2012, which is why a fresh examination of this document was so important. Thanks to the invaluable collaborative effort by numerous people who attended public meetings, our community partners and stakeholders, and those who provided feedback online, we have a clear understanding of the work we need to do to help residents and visitors alike keep moving through this beautiful region.

--Jeffery Maxwell, Director of Transportation for Boulder County

The TMP has been updated to include: changes in demographics, land use, and travel patters; and, opportunities for infrastructure and economic resiliency. Work also includes identification of funding challenges and opportunities.

The TMP’s recent efforts includes updates to each of the five key strategies, including planned and conceptual projects, travel patterns, and project cost estimates. In addition, the work also took a deeper look at:

  • Performance metrics
  • Safety improvements
  • Low-stress bicycle/pedestrian access
  • Family and school transportation needs
  • Affordable living
  • Technology

The TMP includes five key strategies based on the vision and goals from the Boulder County Comprehensive Plan:

  1. Develop a multimodal transportation system
  2. Create a complete trip
  3. Invest in key transportation corridors
  4. Increase accessibility
  5. Enhance mountain-area connections

For more information, contact Stacey Proctor, project manager, at 303-441-1107 or via email.

View of S. Boulder Road heading west into Boulder from east Boulder County