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February 3, 2021

Boulder County Planning Commission agenda for February 17, 2021

Planning Commission public meeting will be held virtually starting at 2 p.m.

Boulder County, Colo. - The next meeting of the Boulder County Planning Commission will be Wednesday, Feb. 17, 2021, beginning at 2 p.m.

Due to COVID-19 concerns Planning Commission meetings are being held virtually. Register to attend or speak on a docket item.

There will be opportunity to remotely provide public comment on the subject Dockets during the respective Public Hearing portions for each item. Written comments for these items may be submitted by emailing and referencing the Docket number in the subject of the email. Call 303-441-3930 or email for more information.

Agenda items include:

Approval of Minutes/Miscellaneous Business

Staff Updates


  1. Public Hearing – Docket V-20-0008: Shaffer Vacation
    Request: Request to vacate a portion of the Hygiene Road right-of-way along the southern property boundary of Parcel #120530000004 located at 7927 Hygiene Road.
    Location: 7927 Hygiene Road, on the north side of Hygiene Road approximately one half mile east of its intersection with N. 75th Street, at Parcel # 120530000004 in Section 30, Township 3N, Range 69W.
    Zoning: Estate Residential (ER) Zoning District
    Applicant/Property Owner: John M Shaffer
    Public testimony will be taken
    Staff Planner: Nathaniel Shull
    Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners
  2. Public Hearing – Docket DC-20-0004: Article 19 Cal-Wood Fire Rebuilding Regulations
    Text Amendments to Article 19 of the Boulder County Land Use Code related to the Cal-Wood Fire and rebuilding in the aftermath of the disaster.
    Public testimony will be taken
    Staff Planner: Hannah Hippely
    Action Requested: Recommendation to Board of County Commissioners


Staff recommendation packets for each Docket item will be posted to the Docket webpages by Feb. 10.

Current and recent Planning Commission agendas, minutes, and archived video recordings are available on the Planning Commission webpage.

It is Boulder County policy to make county programs, meetings, activities, and services accessible to individuals with disabilities, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you need special assistance, contact the ADA Coordinator at 303-441-3525 at least 72 hours before the scheduled event.