Elections Media Contact
Mircalla Wozniak, Elections Communications Specialist, mwozniak@bouldercounty.gov or 303-413-7766
The media/press policy and guidelines for the Boulder County Clerk & Recorder’s office is as follows:
Media Observer Policy
Media observers may witness all election activities in accordance with the Guidelines for Member of the Media Who Observe Election Counts and Recounts (Guidelines below).
If more than 5 media observers appear to witness election activities, the Clerk may require a media observer to appoint a pool reporter and a pool photographer to represent all media observers. For purposes of this policy, individuals with press credentials issued by the Colorado Broadcasters Association or the Colorado Press Association will be considered media observers and may receive a media observer badge from the Clerk.
Individuals without such press credentials wishing to witness an election as a media observer may submit a written request to the Clerk’s office (contact above) for a media observer badge. The request must contain the following information: media outlet represented; type of media outlet (TV, radio, print, online, photographer); name; job title; email address; phone number; name of editor/news director; email address of news director/editor; phone number of news director/editor; all applicable press credentials.
Media Observer Guidelines
Election Rules [8 CCR 1505-1] Rule 8.9
Media Observers may witness all election activities. A county clerk may, in his or her discretion, require a media observer to appoint a pool reporter and a pool photographer to represent all media observers. All media observers are subject to the Guidelines established by the Colorado Press Association in conjunction with the Colorado County Clerks’ Association and the Secretary of State as outlined below:
Code of Colorado Regulations 36 Guidelines for Member of the Media Who Observe Election Counts and Recounts (to be distributed to members of the Colorado Press Association):
The Colorado State Association of County Clerks and Recorders, Colorado Broadcasters’ Association and Colorado Press Association have collaborated to develop the following guidelines and protocols for use when members of the media observe the counting or recounting of ballots. You are strongly encouraged to follow these guidelines to allow meaningful media access while not disrupting the work of county clerks to count ballots or doing anything to compromise the integrity of the election process.
- If practical, please contact the county clerk’s office prior to coming to observe the counting of ballots. If the county clerk knows you are coming, it will be easier to accommodate your request for a place to observe the count or to interview an election official.
- At the discretion of the county clerk, a specific viewing area for members of the media and other observers may be available. To the extent practicable, the area will have been designated with sight lines to allow you to observe and take pictures or video of the counting process. If there are insufficient sight lines for you to take the photos or video you need, the county clerk may be able to make arrangements to accommodate your needs.
- Please observe counting procedures without disrupting the count. Please take pictures or video without the use of supplemental lighting. Do not talk to people participating in counting ballots. There may be workers who ask you not to include their images in your pictures or video. We encourage you to honor those requests if you can reasonably do so.
- The Secretary of State’s Election Rules state that if observers leave the area during a recount, they may not reenter without the consent of the county clerk. If you have occasion to leave the area, you may be denied re-admittance.
- Please do not use the information you see when observing vote counts to report on partial election results. Please do not report anything that could be used to identify the person who casts a particular ballot.
The Colorado State Association of County Clerks and Recorders, Colorado Broadcasters’ Association and Colorado Press Association are all committed to working together to ensure the media has access to election counts and recounts, but that access is afforded in manners that do not disrupt the counts and do nothing to compromise the integrity of the process. Your cooperation in following these standards will help us to meet all of these goals.