Current and Future Programs
Boulder County placed the sales and use tax on the ballot for the purpose of funding countywide wildfire mitigation efforts to proactively address the increasing risk of climate-driven wildfires.
Programs that were funded by the Wildfire Mitigation Sales Tax are described in our 2023 Annual Report.
View the Wildfire Mitigation Tax 2023 Annual Report
Boulder County Strategic Fuels Mitigation Grant Program
We are pleased to announce the launch of the Boulder County Strategic Fuels Mitigation Grant Program (SFMG), with the first cycle opening on October 30th, 2023.
The SFMG program provides cost-share funding through competitive grants to leverage other federal, state, and local funds to help reduce the risk of wildfire to people, property, and infrastructure throughout Boulder County. Funding is intended to promote forest, grassland, and watershed health through collaborative, large-scale projects. Funds are also available to support the development of new or updated Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP). For more information, please visit the SFMG webpage.
Wildfire Partners
Wildfire Partners is Boulder County’s wildfire mitigation program. Wildfire Partners helps homeowners prepare their homes for wildfires by providing community partnerships, personalized technical assistance, and financial assistance. Prior to 2022, the program only operated in west Boulder County. With the passage of the Wildfire Mitigation Sales Tax Wildfire Partners has expanded to east county.
Wildfire Partners Chipping Program
Wildfire Partners offers free community chipping services to all Boulder County residents who qualify. View the Boulder County Community Chipping Program webpage.
Wildfire Partners Rebate Program
Wildfire Partners offer rebates of up to $500 to all Boulder County residents who qualify. To learn more, visit the Wildfire Partners Rebate Program webpage.
Wildfire Partners in West Boulder County
Wildfire Partners will continue to provide technical and financial assistance in west Boulder County to assess and certify homes as it has in past years using both mitigation tax and existing grant funding. View the Individual Home Assessments West Boulder County page
Wildfire Partners in East Boulder County
Wildfire Partners is developing services for east Boulder County. These services are different than those available in the west. They include many of the activities that took place in the early years of wildfire mitigation efforts in the western county, such as conducting community risk assessments, leading public awareness campaigns, attending community events, performing education and outreach, funding community chipping efforts, helping to create Firewise Communities, organizing special events, developing community wildfire protection plans, as well as conducting individual home assessments in targeted high-risk and high-needs communities. Free youth corps service are available to individuals and communities in need. View the Community Mitigation East Boulder County page.