The Treasurer’s Office collects taxes for real property, mobile homes, and business personal property (business equipment). The Treasurer is also the Public Trustee– handling the release of deeds of trust and managing foreclosures.
2024 Taxes Payable in 2025
We expect tax notices will be mailed out late January.
If you prepaid your property taxes, we have answers to some frequently asked questions.
Paying Taxes
Property taxes may be paid in full, or in two half payments, by the due dates. You can pay these taxes in our office, by mail, online, or over the phone. Instructions for each of these payment methods can be found on the back of your property tax notice.
If you pay online with an e-check, there is no charge to you for the service. Our processor charges a fee for card payments.
If you choose to mail us a payment, do not include cash. Checks and money orders should be made payable to “Boulder County Treasurer.”
It’s easy to pay online. Just click the button below!