Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Sheriff Contact Us

Contact Us

Life Threatening Emergencies call 911
For all non-emergencies, incidents, reports, and administrative questions call 303-441-4444.

Please consult the following directory for contact information for the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office.

Our Organizational chart, and Command Staff Contact Information contacts are also available.

Group Description Phone Number
Animal Protection Investigates cases involving domesticated animals, animal bites, dogs at large, barking dogs, and abused, neglected, sick or injured animals 303-441-4444 (dispatch)
Civil Section Civil process including summons and complaints, subpoenas, court orders, writs of execution, garnishment, and restitutions 303-441-3608
Communications/Dispatch 9-1-1 and non-emergency call answering and dispatch user agencies that provide EMS, law, and fire services 303-441-4444
Email the Sheriff’s Office Leave a comment, compliment, express a concern, or a complaint. 303-441-1759
Evidence – Property Handles all property that is booked at the Sheriff’s Office and maintains the integrity of evidence 303-441-3629
Emergency Services Search & Rescue, Hazardous Material Incidents 303-441-3625
Fire Management For information about Boulder County Fire Management, including questions regarding Fire Restrictions or Open Burning. 303-441-4500.
Human Resources Conducts personnel recruitment and testing 720-864-6652
Jail Phone Numbers Delivers inmate services with high regard for fairness, respect and dignity of the individual aimed at successful community reentry 303-441-4600
Office of Disaster Management Prepares, responds and recovers from natural disasters and large-scale emergencies 303-441-3390
Operations Division Investigates felony crimes, domestic violence, unattended deaths, and other matters that require substantial time and resources 303-441-3650
Patrol Responsible for providing law enforcement services to the unincorporated areas of Boulder County and the towns of Superior and Lyons 303-441-3650
Public Information Unit Provides information to the media and the community through press releases, media interviews, social media, and community outreach. 303 441 – 1500 or email
Search Court Records (Court Docket Search) Boulder County District Court – 20th Judicial District – Information on court records, probate, child support and other domestic relations issues 20th Judicial District Webpage
Services We offer many services to the public including: fingerprinting, concealed weapons permits, burn permits, public records, civil process, and emergency notification registration.
Sheriff Keeps and preserves the peace in the county, enforce provisions of county ordinances, coordinates emergency and rescue services, maintains the county jail, provides overall direction, reviews operations, and oversees financial planning and budget management 303-441-4605
Records Section Holds a variety of reports and records, including: Jail Records, Incident/Investigative Reports, Arrest Photos, Dispatch Tapes, Fingerprinting Information, and Sex Offender Registration 303-441-3600
Victim Assistance Provides crisis intervention and referral to victims of crime and trauma 303-441-3656
Warrants Handles all warrants issued by the 20th Judicial District, which includes District, County, and Civil courts within Boulder County 303-441-3644


The Boulder County Sheriff’s has the use of the below listed substations

14861 State Hwy 7
Allenspark, Co 80510
Allenspark Directions
430 5th Avenue
Lyons, CO 80540
Lyons Directions
Nederland Police Department
20 Lakeview Drive
Nederland, CO 80466
Nederland Directions
Mountain View Fire Protection
8500 Niwot Road
Niwot Directions
405 Center Drive Unit F
Superior, CO 80027
Superior Directions

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