Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Patient Referrals for Health Care Providers
doctor makes a referral for patient

Patient Referrals for Health Care Providers

Refer your patients to programs, services, and resources provided by Boulder County government. Learn about ways to improve the health and wellness of your patients.

Services & Programs for Referral

Service TypePopulation ServedProgramDescription
Case ManagementPregnant & parenting teensGENESISThe GENESIS program promotes healthy parenting practices within teen parent families in Boulder County. Services are provided to teen parents from pregnancy through the child’s third birthday.
Case ManagementFirst-time parentsNurse-Family PartnershipThe Nurse-Family Partnership is a home visitation program for women during their first pregnancy and throughout the first two years of their children’s lives.
Food AssistanceFamilies from pregnancy through child’s 5th birthdayWIC (Women, Infants, & Children)WIC promotes and maintains the health and well-being of nutritionally at-risk pregnant, breastfeeding, and postpartum women and infants and children by providing supplemental nutritious foods, nutrition and breastfeeding education, and referrals to other health and nutrition services.
Food AssistanceFamilies struggling to afford nutritious foods.SNAP (Food Stamps)Some families struggle to afford nutritious healthy food. Food assistance can help lift people out of poverty and improve health outcomes.
Peer Support GroupsLGBTIQA+ youth ages 13-18OASOSOASOS offers positive support for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, intersex, and asexual youth ages 13-17 including peer youth support groups, leadership opportunities, advocacy, clinical referrals, and a chance to meet other LBGTIQA+ youth.
Peer Support GroupsLGBTIQA+ people who are seniorsRainbow EldersThe Area Agency on Aging is committed to serving lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender elders in Boulder County.
Clinical SupportBreastfeeding womenBreastfeeding service providersBoulder County Public Health maintains a list of clinical specialists and service providers that are trained to help patients who are struggling with breastfeeding. Specialists include lactation consultants, clinicians who can treat tight frenula, cleft pallate, and children with special breastfeeding needs.
Care CoordinationFamilies of children with special needsChildren with Special NeedsThe Children with Special Needs (CSN) Program assists families of children with special health care needs from birth – age 21 by providing care coordination for families of infants and children who were born prematurely or have special health care needs.
Home VisitationFamilies with young childrenHome Visitation ProgramsBoulder County has a variety of home visitation programs that are tailored to a families’ needs.
Respite CareCaregivers of older adultsAAA Caregiver ProgramsCaregiver Programs provide a variety of services for family caregivers, from special events to information and referral. Programs are offered to caregivers of any age who assist a person age 60 or older (or of any age if the person has dementia).
Patient AdvocacyOlder adultsElder Rights & Long-Term Care OmbudsmanThe Boulder County Long-Term Care Ombudsman (LTCO) Program is a free, confidential service for residents of nursing homes and assisted living homes.


Boulder County Public Health

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