Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Forensic Examinations
Coroner's investigator loading a gurney into a van

Forensic Examinations

Autopsy Examination

The decision to perform an autopsy is made by the Boulder County Coroner in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes. The circumstances of the death and other associated factors contribute to the decision as to whether or not to perform an autopsy. Not all deaths require an autopsy, and autopsies are not performed in every investigation.

An autopsy is a highly specialized medical procedure consisting of both the external and internal examination of the body. All autopsies are performed by a board certified forensic pathologist.

Notification of an Autopsy

A staff member from the Boulder County Coroner’s Office will be in contact with you prior to post-mortem examination in order to discuss the details of what will happen and the reasons for the decision. At this time, if you have any questions or concerns, please ask a staff member and they will be able to assist you and address your requests.

Autopsy Objection

If you feel strongly about a forensic autopsy being performed, whether you want one or do not, please contact the Boulder County Coroner’s Office directly and convey this information. In certain cases, the Coroner may be willing to forgo an autopsy (at the request of the next of kin) based on the available circumstances and history.

Autopsy Reports

Due to the thorough and complete nature of a forensic autopsy and any associated testing that accompanies the process, the resultant findings normally take approximately 10 to 12 weeks to be published. This timeframe is an estimate and each case may differ slightly. You will be contacted at key points during the process by a representative of the Coroner’s Office so that you are kept informed and are able to ask any questions that you might have. You are also welcome to contact the Boulder County Coroner’s Office with any questions you have during the process.

Once the final autopsy report becomes available, a representative of the Coroner’s Office will contact you and share the findings with you. At this time you may request a copy of the autopsy report.

Private Autopsy

If the coroner decides against an autopsy, the legal next-of-kin, can pursue an autopsy through a private physician.

External Examination

The decision to perform an external examination is made by the Boulder County Coroner in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes. The circumstances of the death and other associated factors contribute to the decision as to whether or not to perform an external examination and not proceed with an autopsy. Not all deaths require an autopsy, and autopsies are not performed in every investigation.

An external examination may be performed by a pathology technician, a forensic investigator or a forensic pathologist.

Request an Autopsy Report

Contact Us


303-441-4535 (fax)

An on-call investigator may be contacted 24/7 through the Sheriff's dispatch at 303-441-4444.


5610 Flatiron Parkway
Boulder, CO 80301

Map and Directions

Mailing Address

P. O. Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306

Coroner's badge