Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Jan. 20, in observance of Martin Luther King Day.

Career Workshops

Workforce Boulder County offers a fun, non-judgmental, and engaging learning environment wherever you are on your career journey. Whether you’re entering the ‘career world’ after being out for a while to currently employed and looking to explore a new career path, we’ve got a workshop for you.

Career Cycle

The following graphic shows these steps in the career cycle:

Know Yourself

Values, personality, interests, strengths, needs

Explore and Research

Currently hiring, job growth, education requirements, information interview, job shadow

Get Focused

Identify target jobs, evaluate for fits, locate job descriptions, set goals

Get Ready

Tailor resume, build interview stories, practice interviewing, research company

Take Action

Develop skills/knowledge, gain experience, submit applications, network, interview

Chart explaining career cycle

Virtual Workshop Information

  1. Workshops will be conducted virtually using Zoom.
  2. You will receive an email from an email the day before the workshop with an invitation to the Zoom meeting and instructions of how to join.
  3. You do NOT need to have Zoom downloaded on your computer; this is a web-based service.
  4. If joining via phone, you will need to download the Zoom app prior to joining the workshop.
  5. If planning to access a workshop by phone, the video component will use a LOT of data. It is recommended to use the phone option when connected to Wi-Fi.
  6. You can also call-in to the workshop to just access the audio of the workshop.

NOTE: If you have an older device, you may have trouble accessing the online classes. If this is the case, please email

View the Workshop Calendar

  • Anyone is eligible. There are no eligibility requirements needed to attend our workshops.
  • Sign up for a workshop and create an account.
  • Once you have an account created, Login and click on “Workshops” located in the right sidebar under “My Tool Box.”
  • Then click on “Upcoming Workshops” located in the top dark blue bar next to your “My Profile.”
  • Select the workshops you would like to attend and then scroll to the bottom and hit “Go.”

If you need help signing up for a workshop, please email or call the Boulder County Call Center at 720-776-0822 (after selecting your preferred language, select option 2 for Workforce).

We recommend taking the workshops that are relevant to you in the order in which they are listed.

  • Career Exploration – Discover how your interests, personality, and values combine to lead you to the career that is right for you.
  • The Ins and Outs of Job Applications — While applications may seem straight forward, there’s often more to them than meets the eye. You may be screening yourself out of a job with some common application mistakes. Learn to navigate the nuances of applications and increase your chances of landing an interview.
  • Updating and Tailoring Your Resume – Learn the current trends in resume writing and how to target your resume to the position to get your resume noticed.
  • Get Strategic About Your Job Search – 50% of jobs are never advertised or posted; employers prefer to hire those referred by their colleagues and coworkers. Discover the importance of networking to tap into the hidden job market and get referred into your next job.
  • Capable and Confident in the Job Search – Job hunting in a pandemic adds a new level of challenge. If you’re discouraged and frustrated, this workshop is for you! Get re-energized for the job search and build confidence in the skills you have to offer your next employer.
  • Overcoming Difficult Work Histories – A bad boss, toxic workplace, job loss… it’s not just you. Many people have had a difficult work experience that continues to impact them and their work long after leaving a job. Learn ways to process your experience, re-evaluate your career goals, and rebuild your confidence.
  • Interview Preparation – Learn how to research a company, practice interview questions, and build your confidence! Prepare to interview successfully using a simple formula to showcase your skills and learn how to prepare strong answers to the tough interview questions.
  • Negotiating Your Salary — Discover how to research a competitive salary and determine your personal pay range. Explore strategies for beginning the negotiating process and providing a counteroffer. Not sure what to say? We’ll even give you a few conversation starters.
  • Future of Work – The future of work may seem uncertain, scary, or even exciting. Many jobs will change, some will disappear and others will be created. There will be AI, automation, and even robots. Learn about future of work trends and how to prepare to be a thriving part of this future workforce.
  • Working Remotely: Will It Work For You? — The pandemic has accelerated the move toward remote work opportunities. Daydreaming of working from home, from the road, or from some exotic location? Discover occupations with remote work potential, the essential skills needed to thrive in remote work, and how to assess if remote work is right for you.
  • Strategies for Job Seekers 50+ — This workshop will explore: myths and truths about older workers, the range of programs and training available through federally-funded workforce centers, strategies for showcasing your strengths, and how to put together a compelling resume.
  • Receiving Feedback in the Workplace — Designed to elevate your skills in receiving feedback at work, this workshop will guide you through strategies to shift your mindset, turning feedback into an opportunity and a valuable tool for professional growth.

Contact Us

Workforce Boulder County - American Job Center logo

Boulder Office

1333 Iris Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304
Fax: 303-413-7794
Map and Directions Boulder Office
Mon-Wed, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Fridays

Longmont Office

St Vrain Community Hub
515 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501
Fax: 720-864-6610
Map and Directions Longmont Office
Mon-Thurs, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Fridays

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