Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Register for Services

Register for Services

How to Register with the Workforce Center

Register in person, at either office of Workforce Boulder County, OR you can register online.

Registering online will take you approximately 30 minutes to an hour to complete.
The images and text, below, show you what the registration website looks like and what information is required from you to register.

Connecting Colorado, a place where individuals seeking employment and businesses seeking employees can be matched and brought together to fit each other’s needs. The Colorado Department of Labor and Employment provides this site as a free resource to job seekers and employers who wish to use the Colorado Workforce Center system through a convenient and secure method. Registration assistance with Connecting Colorado is available below.

1. Start at Connecting Colorado and select the “Job Seeker” link on the right side of the page. This will begin the registration process. This page is also where you will return to each time you use the website.

Connecting Colorado Main page screenshot

2. First time registrations require you to create a new account. Press the Go button in the left panel to begin.

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Job Seeker page screenshot

3. Enter your social security number — you will need to enter it twice for data validation. Enter a password that you will use for future visits to Connecting Colorado — you will need to enter your password twice for data validation.You will need to enter a security question and an answer for password protection.

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New Job Seeker Account page screenshot

4. After adding your social security number and a password, you have the option of uploading your resume by pressing the “Browse” button in the left panel, locating the resume on your computer, and uploading it by pressing Go. You may also skip this step by pressing Go in the right panel. Note: Resumes can be uploaded at any time after the registration process.

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New Registration page screenshot

5. The next part of the process is a page describing the Workforce Self-registration system with a form below to enter your contact and personal information. If you had uploaded a resume, some of the information may have been preloaded in the fields. Verify the information or correct as necessary.You’ll notice some of the fields have a red * in front of them. These fields are required information. The rest of the fields are not mandatory for registration. Any question marks to the right will provide help on that field.

Fill in your contact information as required. Enter your preferences for how employers or the Workforce Center should contact you.

You will also find fields to list your most recent employment information.

Complete as many fields as possible and then press the Go button at the bottom of the page to move forward in the registration process.

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Registration Form page screenshot

6. When you finish the contact information section of the registration process you’ll move along to the skills section of the process. Take your time to read and identify your skills. Check all that apply, as this will provide a greater number of matches in your job search. There will be more pages ahead to define skills in detail that correspond to job titles.

At this point, you are getting close to completing your online registration with the Workforce Center.

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Common Skills page screenshot

7. After you define common, or generic skills, you’ll start to pinpoint skills around specific job titles. This part of the registration process has you select job titles from job categories. You are allowed to ‘save’ 4 job titles, and 60 skills. However, you can select as many job titles and skills as you want before you save the data.

The registration system will display all your job titles and skills in a table and present options to delete ones that you want to discard.

This is a nice system and gives you the choice to ‘fine-tune’ your job title and skills set before you save it for job search.

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Job Category page screenshot

8. At this point, you are getting close to completing your online registration with the Workforce Center. After you have defined your job titles and skills, the system presents you with the Equal Employment Opportunity Rights document. Read the document and press the Go button at the bottom of the page.

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EEO page screenshot

9. You are now registered with the Workforce Center and can use Connecting Colorado to search for jobs that match your skills. Use the system often to build your skills in managing your contact information and searching for jobs.

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Job Number lookup page screenshot

Contact Us

Workforce Boulder County - American Job Center logo

Boulder Office

1333 Iris Ave.
Boulder, CO 80304
Fax: 303-413-7794
Map and Directions Boulder Office
Mon-Wed, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Fridays

Longmont Office

St Vrain Community Hub
515 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501
Fax: 720-864-6610
Map and Directions Longmont Office
Mon-Thurs, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual Fridays

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