Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Boulder County government offices closed Monday, Feb. 17, in observance of President’s Day.

Commissioners’ Office
Commissioners' hearing room filled with people facing the front of the room

County Commissioners' Office

The Commissioners’ Office staff is responsible for conducting the daily business of the Board of County Commissioners. This includes public information and media relations, crafting the county’s policy and legislative agendas, and management of the County Budget. The records and administration teams handle the board’s Public Meetings, Hearings, Records and Video Archives. Our office also manages the county’s citizen Advisory Boards and Commissions.

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Commissioners’ Office Staff and Contact Information

Please call the front desk at 303-441-3500 for inquiries about the Commissioners’ schedules, constituent matters, and other administrative matters.

Contact the Board of County Commissioners at about a specific county or constituent issue.

Commissioners’ Deputy:

Natalie Springett,, 303-441-4571
Intergovernmental matters


Business Operations Manager:
Robin Valdez,, 303-441-3500
Commissioners’ Office business and advisory board/commissions-related matters

Administrative Manager:
Dana Gonzalez,, 303-441-4571
Reserve the courthouse lawn, apply for a county property use permit, check on a calendar item, or request a meeting with the County Commissioners

Public Information and Media

Commissioners’ Communications Director:
Gloria Handyside,, 303-441-1622
Media-related issues

Public Affairs Specialist and Constituent Liaison:
Jennifer Churchill,, 303-441-1211
Constituent questions and comments for the Board of County Commissioners


Senior Policy Analyst:
Mark Ruzzin,, 303-441-4567
Information about the county’s legislative agendas and intergovernmental relations (see Policy & Legislative Affairs for more information)

Records and Administration

Open and Public Records:
Visit the Colorado Open Records Act – CORA page for directions on how to submit your form for a follow-up response.

Public Meetings:
To view live, webstreamed public meetings and for the commissioners’ advance agenda, meeting minutes, and other information, visit the Hearings and Meetings page.
Jerremie Smith,, 303-441-4564
Obtain recordings or official minutes of public hearings

Contact Us

Commissioners’ Office


Commissioners' website


Commissioners’ Office
Boulder County Courthouse
Third Floor
1325 Pearl St.
Boulder, CO 80302
Map and Directions
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Mailing Address

PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306