Welcome to the one-stop shop for all newsletters offered by the Office of Sustainability, Climate Action, and Resilience. Read below to learn more about each newsletter and sign up to get climate and sustainability news delivered right to your inbox!
OSCAR Newsletters
Climate Action
No more than once a month, this newsletter provides high-level updates on all things climate at Boulder County. Sign up to learn about nature based solutions, transportation, policy, building electrification, and more.
Business Sustainability
Boulder County’s business sustainability program, Partners for a Clean Environment (PACE), sends out a monthly newsletter with information on programs, rebates, and more. The newsletter has useful resources for all business sectors, and includes tips on waste management, energy efficiency, equipment upgrades, and more.
Drive Electric
As electric vehicles (EVs) and electric bicycles (eBikes) gain popularity, it can be hard to keep track of all the rebates and incentives to help you make the switch! Every few months, this newsletter consolidates information from the State of Colorado, Boulder County, and municipalities across the county to bring you the latest information all in one place.
Home Sustainability
Boulder County’s residential sustainability program, EnergySmart, sends out a newsletter about once every quarter for Boulder County residents. This newsletter includes information on rebates and other financial incentive opportunities, recommendations for saving energy (and money!) at home, and more.
Watershed Health
As a member of the Keep it Clean Partnership, Boulder County issues a newsletter every other month that shares watershed health updates, tips for protecting water quality, and events and opportunities to get involved in the Boulder St. Vrain Watershed.