In Colorado, each County Sheriff has a statutory responsibility to coordinate wildland fire response within their specified county. Because of the diversity of Colorado, this takes on many different forms throughout the state. The wildland fire history, expansive wildland urban interface (WUI), and the responsibility for resource management on county lands has created a necessity for resources to supplement the capabilities of the local fire departments within the Boulder County. To address these issues, the Fire Management Program was established. Originating of a single Fire Management Officer (FMO), combined with seasonal and volunteer labor, the program has evolved over the years to become what it is today. Boulder County Fire Management has four full-time, year-round employees, who work with the FMO. There are two Fire Operation Specialists (FOS), and two Senior Firefighters. As the wildland fire season approaches, seasonal firefighters are brought on to assist in wildfire response, prescribed fire activities, and forestry projects.