Preventing the Spread
Masking Recommendations
Masking is not required in early care and education (ECE) but remains an effective mitigation strategy to reduce the risk of transmission. Boulder County Public Health (BCPH) continues to encourage masking, which childcare programs can adopt during outbreaks.
Young children, particularly infants, have immune systems that are still developing. In addition, their lungs and airways are smaller, making viruses that affect airways more of a threat.
Communicable Disease Reporting
When multiple individuals have similar symptoms, please report them to using one of the following forms:
- Early Care & Education Illness Log (in Excel – fillable)
- Early Care & Education Illness Log (PDF – printable)
You do not need to contact BCPH when you have isolated cases or have close contacts who attend or work in your facility.
CDC and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment recently updated their guidance for the general public, which has changed to discontinue previously established protocols for quarantine. Please refer to How Sick is too Sick for guidance.
ECE programs may use more stringent guidance if they feel it is the best for their organization.
Everyday Actions to Prevent Infection
CDC recommends ECE programs have everyday strategies to prevent the spread of infections as part of your normal operations, such as:
- Promoting vaccination
- Staying home when sick
- Optimizing ventilation
- Washing hands frequently
- Following all rules on regular and consistent cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting.
Thank you for your continued efforts to keep Boulder County healthy. If you have COVID-related questions, please contact us at