Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT)
An old railroad line along the BERT Trail corridor in a plains setting with trees and grass and a fence looking west sunset

Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Master Planning Process


Boulder County, in partnership with the City of Boulder and Town of Erie, is evaluating options for the creation of a new soft-surface regional trail connection linking the City of Boulder and Erie.

This connection was identified in the county’s regional trails prioritization process in 2003 and is eligible for funding through the Countywide Sales Tax. The Boulder Valley Comprehensive Plan and Boulder County Transportation Master Plan identify this trail connection as an important link in the Boulder Valley and regional trails systems.

The first step in trail development is to conduct a master planning process to identify needs, opportunities, and constraints of constructing the regional trail. That process began in the spring of 2019 and is ongoing. More information will be posted here as it becomes available.

Recent Past Public Meeting

Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) Public Hearing on the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Plan – Oct. 24, 2024

On Thursday, October 24, the Boulder County Board of County Commissioners approved the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Plan in a 2-1 vote. Public testimony was taken during the hearing. Thank you to everyone who submitted written comments and spoke at the public hearing.

The BERT Plan evaluates multiple conceptual alignments and identifies a preferred alignment for further consideration for an 8.5 mile east-west multi-use trail connection between the City of Boulder and Town of Erie. The BERT Plan includes the project process, public and partner input and engagement, technical evaluation, conceptual level alignment, opinion of cost, and next steps.

With the adoption of the BERT Plan, local, state, and federal funding opportunities can be pursued, and the preliminary design process can begin. The plan’s preferred alignment is the starting point for more detailed engineering and in-depth technical analysis, including additional environmental analysis. We will also be looking at strategies to minimize potential environmental impacts of the preferred alignment.

Partner coordination and community outreach will continue in the next phases of the project. We will continue to provide regular updates as the project progresses.

View the video of the hearing, the staff report for October 24, 2024, and additional public comments received.

The BERT Plan

The BERT Plan evaluates multiple conceptual alignments and identifies a preferred alignment for further consideration for an east-west multi-use trail connection between the City of Boulder and Town of Erie. The BERT Plan includes the project process, public and stakeholder input and engagement, technical evaluation, conceptual level alignment, opinion of cost, and next steps.

View or download the draft BERT Plan

The BERT Plan Appendix

The BERT Plan Appendix includes supplemental materials from the planning process, including base mapping, photos, detailed information from the data collection phase of the project, documentation of meetings and the presentation materials shared at meetings, survey results, documentation of additional work with project partners on raptor nests, public comments on the plan, and concurrence memos/approval documentation.

View or download the draft BERT Plan Appendices

Meetings and Important Dates

Open Space Board Presentations – BERT will be an agenda item at these meetings:

Boulder County Board of Commissioners (BOCC) Hearing – BERT Plan approval will be the main topic:

BERT Plan Public Comment Period:

  • September 5 – 25
BERT connection corridorBERT Connection Corridor

Past Public Meetings

Open House in Boulder – August 29, 2024

At the Boulder to Erie Regional Trail (BERT) Project Open House held in Boulder, the team shared an overview of the project, the preferred alignment for further consideration, and opportunities to review and provide comments on the draft plan.

Open House in Erie – September 13, 2023

An open house was held in Erie to provide an update on the BERT project. During this open house, the project team discussed project updates, evaluation criteria for different trail options, and conceptual alignments. View the BERT Public Meeting Presentation, Sept. 13, 2023

Contact Us

Tonya Luebbert

Regional Trails Planner

Courthouse Annex Building

2045 13th St.
Boulder, CO 80302


8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, Thursday
10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday
Map and Directions

Mailing Address

Community Planning & Permitting
PO Box 471
Boulder, CO 80306
Community Planning & Permitting website