Subscribe to Boulder County Bike News to receive timely updates about cycling around Boulder County including roadway closures or other restrictions.
Bicycle Program
Boulder County Bicycle and Trail Maps
Regional Bicycle and Trail Maps
Mission Statement
The Boulder County multimodal transportation system aims to safely and efficiently move people in all modes of travel, including bicycling. The goal of Boulder County’s Bicycle Program is enabling and encouraging safe and efficient bicycle travel throughout the county for people of all ages and ability levels.
Bike-n-Ride shelters provide secure and weather-protected bicycle storage for people making connections to transit routes. Learn more about how to get access today!
Take part in summer and winter Bike To Work Days at
Cycling Restrictions Map– A map of roads that are currently closed to cyclists due to unsafe conditions. Click on the red dots on the map for more information.
Learn about construction projects on county roads you may want to avoid.
Want to know more about Safe Cycling Signage?
The Transportation Master Plan describes Boulder County’s multimodal system and how it will be developed over the next 25 years.
Glass or gravel in shoulders? Call 303-441-3962 or fill out an online road service request.
Roads are assigned a snow removal priority. These designations are adopted by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners to maximize the effectiveness of county snow removal operations. Visit our snow removal page for more details.
Check out our bicycle count maps and information on how Boulder County conducts its counting process.