The Boulder County Jail provides opportunities for inmates to continue educational learning or recreational reading at the library.
General Reference and Recreational Media Use
- Provided once or twice weekly, depending on the inmate’s housing; self-service bookcases are also provided in most housing units.
- Materials available are responsive to the interests and educational needs of users and are supported by an on-line computer catalog.
- Resources are supplemented by local, regional, and state libraries; law libraries and inter library loan services.
- Staffed by the Corrections Library Program Coordinator.
- Member of the Central Colorado Library System.
- Approximately 5,900 inmates use the library services in 2009.
Law Library
- Provided as needed for pro se inmates.
- Provided to others, as requested and needed.
- Assistance provided by the Corrections Library Program Coordinator
- Number of users annually is approximately seventy-two (72)