Boulder County government offices closed Tuesday, Dec. 24 (at noon), and Wednesday, Dec. 25, for the Christmas holiday.

Jail Library

The Boulder County Jail provides opportunities for inmates to continue educational learning or recreational reading at the library.

General Reference and Recreational Media Use

  • Provided once or twice weekly, depending on the inmate’s housing; self-service bookcases are also provided in most housing units.
  • Materials available are responsive to the interests and educational needs of users and are supported by an on-line computer catalog.
  • Resources are supplemented by local, regional, and state libraries; law libraries and inter library loan services.
  • Staffed by the Corrections Library Program Coordinator.
  • Member of the Central Colorado Library System.
  • Approximately 5,900 inmates use the library services in 2009.

Law Library

  • Provided as needed for pro se inmates.
  • Provided to others, as requested and needed.
  • Assistance provided by the Corrections Library Program Coordinator
  • Number of users annually is approximately seventy-two (72)

Contact Us

Boulder County Jail

Main: 303-441-4650
Alternate: 303-441-4444
Fax: 303-441-4739


Boulder County Jail
3200 Airport Road
Boulder, CO 80301
Map and Directions


Sheriff's website
Head Quarters Lobby Hours:
8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Sheriff badge