Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

Sex Offender Registry

Sex Offender Registry

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office is responsible for registering all sex offenders housed at the Boulder County Jail as required and those registrants who live in unincorporated Boulder County, to include Lyons, Nederland and Superior.

Registrants with our agency who are web-eligible may be viewed by accessing the sex offender registry on the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s website. Web-Eligible registrants only include adult sex offender registrants who were convicted of a Felony sex offense charge.

For information or questions on sex offenders who are registered with municipalities in Boulder County (those who live within the city limits of any city in Boulder County), please contact the local police department directly.

The Colorado Sex Offender Registry includes only those persons who have been required by law to register and who are in compliance with the sex offender registration laws. Persons should not rely solely on the sex offender registry as a safeguard against perpetrators of sexual assault in their communities. The crime for which the person is convicted may not accurately reflect the level of risk. The information on the CBI’s website may not be used to inflict retribution or additional punishment on any person convicted of unlawful sexual behavior or of another offense, the underlying factual basis of which involves unlawful sexual behavior.

The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office has not considered or assessed the specific risk that any convicted sex offender displayed on the CBI’s website will commit another offense or the nature of any future crimes that may be committed. Extreme care must be taken in the use of information because mistaken identification may occur when relying solely on name, birth date, and address to identify individuals.

If you believe that any information on this site is in error, please contact the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office sex offender registrar at 303-441-3611.

Registration Forms

Registration Forms and Addendum Sheets may be downloaded from our website. Registrants may complete the forms prior to an appointment and bring a copy of the required and completed forms to the appointment. The Registration Form, Notice to Register and Addendum Sheets are available in both English and Spanish. These forms are provided below for your convenience:

You can fill out and print the below forms. DO NOT initial, date, and sign the forms. This will be completed at the time of your appointment.

Please arrive at least 15 minutes early to complete any paperwork prior to your appointment. If you are more than 10 minutes late for your appointment, you may be asked to reschedule in order to allow other scheduled appointments to continue on time.

Frequently Asked Questions

No. The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office does not post any sex offenders who are registered with us on our website for public viewing. You may view our web-eligible registrants by accessing the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s website.

In Colorado, the Sex Offender Tracking and Registration (SOTAR) database will list web-eligible sex offenders with agencies who are members of this program. This is a Colorado based program only and the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office does not use SOTAR. Registrants convicted as an adult of a felony sex offense charge are posted and viewable to the public in SOTAR however registrants who have misdemeanor sex offense convictions and juvenile registrants are not viewable. To access this database, type SOTAR into your browser. You will need to agree to the usage terms and conditions in order to use this site. The National Sex Offender Registry ( is another resource for this purpose.

Yes. The public can obtain a list of all BCSO’s sex offender registrants through the Colorado Bureau of Investigation’s website. A complete list will include adult registrants with misdemeanor and/or felony sex offense convictions and juvenile sex offender registrants. The public must complete an adult or juvenile request form (or both) online directly through the CBI’s website. The CBI may assess reasonable fees for the search, retrieval, and copying of information requested. You will be asked to complete a form for each list. Payment for sex offender registry lists must be made by credit card when ordered.

The CBI’s website is:

Information released includes:

  • The full name of the registrant
  • Alias names of the registrant
  • The registrant’s date of birth
  • The location, address or addresses of the registrant
  • The offense(s) that led to the registration requirement
  • The date of the offense(s)

Any information concerning victims shall not be released.

Colorado law does not place any restrictions on where or with whom a registered sex offender may live. Boulder County itself does not have any restrictions. If a registrant is on probation or parole supervision, there may be restrictions in place regarding where and with whom he or she may live.

Registrants who are NOT on probation or parole supervision may live wherever they choose and with whom they like, to include living with children in the residence. Registrants should check if a sex offender registrant may live in housing that is rented or leased or determine if there are any HOA rules or regulations pertaining to this.

Yes, UNLESS there is a court record listing any restrictions specific to the offender in question. If a registrant is on probation or parole supervision, there may be terms and conditions specifically preventing residing near or within a specified distance any of these places.

Yes. The Boulder County Sheriff’s Office registers all sex offenders who call unincorporated Boulder County home. Transient or homeless registrants who do not have a permanent address and move frequently from place to place or are living in shelters or on the street can and do register.

They are further required to self-verify their location until a permanent address is obtained.

Registration is always based on the address or location where the offender resides and spends the night, and the agency which has jurisdiction of that address or location. Addresses and locations and the correct agency jurisdiction are verified prior to scheduling a registration appointment with our agency.

This will ensure the sex offender is registered with the correct agency.

Sex offenders living within unincorporated Boulder County will need to register in person at the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office Headquarters building.

The address is 5600 Flatiron Parkway, Boulder, CO 80301.

Registration is by scheduled appointment only.

Registration appointments are available on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.

Please call the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office sex offender registrar at telephone number 303-441-3611 to schedule a registration appointment. You may leave a voicemail message at this number and your call will be returned as soon as possible.

Please be sure to leave your name, telephone number and the address or location, city, and zip code where you are residing.

We will verify the jurisdiction and schedule your appointment or refer you to the correct agency

Please bring a valid photo ID with you to your appointment and be prepared to pay the registration fee at the time of the appointment.

Valid forms of identification include a Driver’s License, a Colorado ID Card, or a passport. You should also be prepared to provide all of the information requested on the Registration Form, Notice to Register Form, and any necessary addendum pages for additional information than allowed on the Registration Form.

There are addendum sheets available for employment, vehicles, addresses, electronic identifiers, and SMT (scars, marks, tattoos).

Please allow one hour for an initial registration appointment with our agency.

You will be required to sit for a photograph and a set of fingerprints will be taken. The registration paperwork will be reviewed with you at that time.

Registration renewal appointments usually take 15-20 minutes.

We can provide a copy of the completed Notice To Register to registrants of BCSO upon request.

Yes. BCSO does charge registration fees. This is in line with most all agencies in the State of Colorado.

The registration fees are:

  • Initial registration with BCSO – $75.00
  • Annual Registration Fee – $25.00
  • Quarterly Registration – Fee $15.00

Registration fees are due at the time of the registration appointment. We accept cash, credit card, and debit card payment and will provide you with a receipt. There is a small processing fee included if payment is made by credit or debit card.

We do not accept check payment for registration.

The Colorado Bureau of Investigation requires that all registrants sit for a new photograph and have a set of fingerprints taken annually. This is for identification purposes and the registering agency must comply with the CBI’s requirements. The registration process is not considered complete until these items are done.

Additionally, a new photograph can be taken at any subsequent registration appointment within the same calendar year if it is determined that the registrant’s appearance has changed compared to previous appointment.

Yes. The juvenile registrant’s parent or legal guardian must accompany a registrant under the age of 18 and is required to be present during the entire registration appointment.

He or she is also required to sign and date the Registration Form and the Notice to Register at the time of the registration appointment.

In the State of Colorado, sex offenders are required to register for their lifetime or until a court order is granted, stating the offender is no longer required to register in Colorado. The registration timeframe depends upon the conviction and there is no set time.

Adult sex crime convictions require registration for 5, 10, or 20 years, or for the life of the registrant. Please see Page 4 of the Notice to Register, which outlines this information.

Juvenile convictions typically allow for the Petition to Discontinue Sex Offender Registration to be filed upon successful completion of registration for the required timeframe, and completion of any supervision and treatment if applicable.

No. Registrants who are designated as a Sexually Violent Predator (SVP), are multiple offenders with at least one sex offense conviction, or are quarterly registrants are not eligible to petition the court for this relief.

These categories of registrants must register for their lifetime in Colorado. Please refer to Page 3 of the Notice to Register, under the “Removal From The Registry” clause for clarification.

You will need to file a petition in the court of conviction if and when you are eligible to start the petition process. For additional information on what is needed to file a Petition to Discontinue Sex Offender Registration and for the forms necessary to file, please go to the State of Colorado Judicial Branch and click on the correct folder that matches your conviction.

If a court order is granted stating the petitioner is no longer required to register as a sex offender in the State of Colorado, a copy of the court order must be supplied to the current registering agency and to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. The registering agency will then be responsible for deactivating the registration entry from the database.

If your conviction was not obtained from a Colorado court, to discontinue registration or internet posting or both, you may file a civil case with the district court in the county where you live and seek a civil order discontinuing the requirement to register or internet posting or both.

Contact Us

Sheriff's Headquarters

5600 Flatiron Parkway
Boulder, CO 80301
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Main: 303-441-3600


Boulder County Jail

3200 Airport Road
Boulder, CO 80301
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Main: 303-441-4600

Communications Center

3280 Airport Road
Boulder, CO 80301

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