Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

evening sunset

Appointments now required for in-person visits. Additionally, registration renewals need to be completed out of office. Options include online, by mail or drop box, or at a self-service kiosk. Read about these changes (including benefits, and FAQs). Información en español.

Express Renewal Kiosk

MV Express Kiosks will instantly provide a printed receipt, your registration, and license plate tabs on the spot.Self Service Motor Vehicle Express Kiosk for vehicle renewal


  • MOVED! Boulder: King Soopers – 1650 30th Street (at Arapahoe) – Accessible 7 days/week – 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. (unavailable during holiday closures).
  • Longmont: King Soopers – Horizon Park Center – 2255 Main Street – Accessible 7 days/week – 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. (unavailable during holiday closures).
  • Louisville: King Soopers – Louisville Plaza – 1375 E South Boulder Road – Accessible 7 days/week – 6 a.m. – 11 p.m. (unavailable during holiday closures).
  • Additional Locations: Residents can renew using any Kiosk throughout the state. Additional fees may apply. Visit for additional locations in Colorado.

Vehicles that qualify:

  • Renews for personal automobiles, pickup trucks, motorcycles, motor homes, utility trailers, and camper trailers.
  • If emissions test required, this must be completed before using the kiosk.

Information needed:

  • License Plate Number and VIN number and/or Renewal Postcard.
  • Proof of Colorado Insurance – only needed if indicated on your renewal postcard. Please wait 7 business days after updating or obtaining your Colorado insurance to renew at the kiosk. This allows time for electronic updating to verify insurance.

When you can renew:

You may renew using the kiosk:

  • The month before your plates expire
  • The month your plate shows it expires
  • Up to 12 months after your plates expire. After your one month grace period, late fees will apply. The kiosk will calculate the appropriate late fees for each situation. (For information regarding late fees and our office’s COVID-19 closure earlier this year, please visit our COVID-19 Closure FAQs).

Keep Colorado Wild (State Parks) Pass:

Starting January 2023, ​​​Colorado residents will have the option to get a $29 Keep Colorado Wild (CO State Parks) Pass when they renew their vehicle registration. The $29 fee will automatically be included in the price of your renewal unless you choose to opt out (to opt out, follow prompts at kiosk). Learn more here.

Other services the kiosk provides:

The kiosk isn’t just for registration renewals. You can also:

  1. Print duplicate registrations
  2. Print duplicate stickers
  3. Many more functions to come!

Payment & Fees:

  • In addition to your renewal cost, there is a 2.3% fee for credit/debit cards.
  • Beginning mid-December 2023 – Boulder County waived the $3.95 kiosk use fee for all county residents. Fee is still charged for out-of-county users.
  • Please note that if a Boulder County resident renews at an out-of-county kiosk, fees may vary.

Note: If you would like to pay for your renewal with a check, please drop a check off in our office, mail it into 1750 33rd St or at a drop-box location at any three of our locations. You can also pay for your registration renewal online via an e-check, using your account number and routing number, for $1.

Who can use the Kiosk:

Many Colorado counties currently participate in the MV Express Kiosk program. If you live in one of these counties (including Boulder), you may use any Colorado MV Express kiosk in the state.

If you live in one county but you work, go on vacation or attend college in another, you may renew your license plates at any kiosk along the way! If you do not live in these counties, the kiosks are not available for use. Contact your county motor vehicle office for information.

Contact Us

Motor Vehicle Division

7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Closed Fridays
Online Motor Vehicle Contact Us Form
Contáctenos - Formulario en línea

Phone: 303-413-7710
Fax: 303-413-7706


Boulder (Main Office):
1750 33rd St.
Boulder, CO 80301

1755 S. Public Road
Lafayette, CO 80026

529 Coffman St.
Longmont, CO 80501

* The Longmont office is temporarily located inside the main Boulder County building at 515 Coffman. Same building, just enter main doors.

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