Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

DC-17-0001 and Z-17-0001

Docket DC-17-0001 Land Use Code text amendments to the floodplain regulations and related provisions and Z-17-0001 Zoning Map Amendments to the Floodplain Overlay District

Adopted Boulder County Land Use Code text amendments in docket DC-17-0001 amending the County’s floodplain regulations, codified in Articles 4-400 et seq., and docket Z-17-0001 Zoning Map Amendments to the Floodplain Overlay District, became effective June 1, 2017.

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Past Public Meetings and Hearings

Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing – May 16, 2017

On May 16, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) held a public hearing, took public comment, and voted to approve adoption of the following proposed items: Land Use Code text amendments to amend the county’s floodplain regulations, codified in Articles 4-400 et seq.; and Zoning map amendments for the Floodplain Overlay District, specifically the Boulder County Floodplain and Floodway, based upon the floodplain remapping of the Colorado Hazard Mapping Project (CHAMP), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Risk MAP and other best available data. In addition, the Board of County Commissioners gave authorization for staff to proceed with technical review and analysis of future proposed zoning map amendments.
BOCC Action: The Board of County Commissioners voted 2-0 (Commissioner Gardner was absent) to adopt amendments to the Boulder County Land Use Code floodplain regulations and zoning map amendments for the Floodplain Overlay District.

Planning Commission Public Hearing – April 19, 2017

On April 19, 2017, a public hearing was held by the Planning Commission regarding dockets Z-17-0001: Zoning Map Amendments to the Floodplain Overlay District, and DC-17-0001: Land Use Code text amendments to the Floodplain regulations. Public testimony was taken.
PC Action: A motion to approve and recommend approval to the Board of County Commissioners was approved 7-0.

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Use the Ask a Planner form to submit comments or questions on DC-17-0001 or Z-17-0001 . Comments will be reviewed by staff and presented to decision makers.
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The 2013 flood event caused widespread damage along waterways throughout Boulder County and other areas of the state. In response, the State of Colorado is taking steps towards bolstering long-term planning and resiliency efforts by funding the Colorado Hazard Mapping Program (CHAMP), managed by the Colorado Water Conservation Board (CWCB). CHAMP will update local hazard information including producing new regulatory floodplain maps for the most affected waterways. Ultimately, the new floodplain maps produced by CWCB/CHAMP will be adopted by FEMA as Flood Insurance Rate Maps (“FIRMs”).

Boulder County is supporting this State initiative because accurate floodplain maps provide detailed information for property owners on their own flood risks and enable proactive measures to protect people and property before the next significant flood event. Most of the current effective regulatory floodplain maps for Boulder County were produced in the 1980’s. In addition to the changes to waterways caused by the 2013 Flood, many land use changes have occurred since the 1980’s, and the available information and technology has increased in accuracy. All of these changes reduce the accuracy of our current regulatory floodplain maps, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of flood risk management. Once finalized, the new and more accurate floodplain maps will more accurately represent where floodwater may inundate than the current maps enabling more effective floodplain management that will better protect the health, safety and welfare of Boulder County residents.

Staff has received authorization to analyze possible comprehensive zoning map amendments for the Floodplain Overlay District, specifically the local Boulder County Floodplain and Floodway, based upon the draft floodplain remapping of the CHAMP, as well as FEMA Risk MAP and other best available data. These map amendments will be accomplished through the process set forth in the floodplain regulations adopted by the Board of County Commissioners in September 2016 under docket DC-15-0004 in anticipation of the delivery of this mapping and includes technical review, public notification, and hearings before the Planning Commission and Board of County Commissioners.

Staff has also received authorization to pursue these possible zoning map amendments in order to provide more accurate reflection of real-world conditions post-Flood, and also to more effectively and efficiently incorporate best available data into our regulatory scheme. Local adoption of the updated maps as compared to the alternative of waiting at least three, and likely closer to five years, for FEMA to adopt the maps as FIRMs, will allow County staff to better protect the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of and visitors to unincorporated Boulder County.

Additionally, staff has received authorization to analyze possible text amendments to the Boulder County Land Use Code floodplain regulations to allow for the incorporation of the mapping data as well as to make any needed additional changes to provisions of the floodplain regulations needed to protect the health, safety and welfare of the residents of Boulder County.

Residents comments from the draft map review period (December 2016 through March 2017) have been incorporated into the staff recommendation for consideration. For more information about the current remapping project, visit the Floodplain Remapping page.

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