When it comes to land use planning and building, Boulder County does not have jurisdiction within the county’s incorporated cities and towns. This means that if you want information about your zoning, about getting a building permit, or any other specific land use question, you must contact the city in which your property lies. See Municipality Contacts Within Boulder County for general contact information.
Planning FAQ
Please refer to Boulder County Building Permits requirements. Also visit the Building FAQs for other Building related questions and answers.
The zoning on your property depends on your location. The vast majority of the unincorporated land area within the mountains is zoned Forestry (F) and the vast majority of the unincorporated land area in the plains is zoned Agricultural (A). However, we do have other zoning categories.
To find out your zoning, we can help you in a few different ways:
- For a general idea of zoning in areas, view Property Viewer (online maps).
- Email us via Ask a Planner Form the property address and we will assist you in determining the correct zoning.
- Visit our office in the Courthouse Annex Building on the southwest corner of 13th and Spruce Streets in Boulder. We have zoning maps available at the front desk for your review.
- Call us at 303-441-3930. With your address and/or legal description, we can tell you your zoning over the phone.
A setback is the distance between a structure and the property line and/or the centerline of a major roadway. The setback requirement varies depending on your zoning classification, road adjacency, and in some cases, a building envelope established through the platting of a subdivision. See the Yards, Lot Lines & Setbacks Publication for a list of general setbacks.
Please also be aware that there are supplemental setbacks from some major roads, see the Boulder County Land Use Code Article 7-1403.
To find out your setbacks, either phone our office at 303-441-3930 or complete the Ask a Planner Form to email the Community Planning & Permitting Department. Be sure to include your address, Assessor’s ID Number, or Parcel Number so we can find your property on our zoning maps.
See Boulder County Residential Marijuana Cultivation and Processing Website for more information.
Whether or not you can build a house on your land depends on several factors:
- Before you can get a building permit, you will need to make sure that your property meets the legal definition of “building lot.” To do this, the Community Planning & Permitting Department has a Building Lot Determination process. See Building Lot Determination application.
- The property must meet all applicable zoning regulations and must have been subdivided legally.
- The property must be physically buildable.
These are just a few of the other issues to consider when you are purchasing and building on a vacant parcel:
- Do you have a source of water?
- Can a septic system be installed?
- Is the property in the floodplain?
- Do you have legal access to the site for a driveway?
Site Plan Review (SPR) must be completed before you can get a building or grading permit for the following activities:
Site Plan Review is required in order to issue building permits on any vacant parcels, for cumulative increases in floor area of more than 1,000 sq. ft. (residential or nonresidential) over that which existed on the parcel as of 9/8/98, for cumulative increases in residential floor area which results in a total residential floor area of a size greater than 125% of the median residential floor area for the defined neighborhood in which the subject parcel is located, and for changes in use unless the change in use is to a residential use. SPR is also required for grading permits (except for grading as part of normal agricultural or mining practices), and Boulder County access permits and floodplain development permits issued by the Public Works Department.
SPR is also required for Telecommunications Facilities which are located on an existing structure and meet the zoning districts height limit (otherwise a Special Use is required), for all development within a Natural Landmark or Natural Area, in a Rural Community District, or on Conservation Easements held by Boulder County, and for Wildlife Rehabilitation of more than 20 non-domestic animals or with outdoor caging.
Site plan review may not be required if the permit is only needed for:
- Earthwork that is part of normal agriculture of mining practices (outside of floodplains).
- Restoration of a building that has been damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, flood, tornado, riot, act of the public enemy, or accident of any kind (if replacement is applied for within one-year of the event).
- Construction work that does not change the use or increase the existing floor area by more than 1,000 square feet, cumulatively over that which existed on 9/8/1998 UNLESS the project is exceeding the residential presumptive size limitation for the neighborhood.
- Construction of an accessory structure which is less than 1,000 square feet.
- Developments in subdivisions approved after February 22, 1994 (unless the subdivision approval otherwise requires SPR).
- Development in Neighborhood Conservation Overlay Districts to the extent it covers the SPR criteria in its plan.
See Land Use Code Article 4-802 Applicability and Scope of the Site Plan Review Process for Development for complete information on when SPR is and is not required. Use the Ask a Planner form for more information or questions regarding your project.
Some types of businesses can be run out of the home. The Boulder County Land Use Code Article 4-516(S) addresses Home Occupations as per the Home Occupations Publication. In short, Article 4-516 states that home occupations are allowed in all of the county’s zoning districts with the following provisions:
- A home occupation can include the person(s) that resides in the residence, as well as one employee.
- The use cannot result in noise, light, dust, or other air pollution noticeable at or beyond the property line.
- The home occupation can only involve the incidental sale of stocks, supplies, or products.
- The use must clearly be subordinate to the main use on the site, a residence. The character of the lot must remain residential.
- The use cannot include the outdoor storage of goods , materials, or equipment.
- Signs identifying the business cannot be illuminated and must be two square feet or less in size.
- The area used for business cannot exceed one-half the total floor area of the dwelling, including any business activities carried out in an accessory structure. (Child care can exceed this limitation).
- The use cannot produce traffic volumes exceeding that produced by the dwelling unit by more than 16 average daily trips, or a maximum of 30 trips during any 24 hour period.
- Home Occupations do not include nursing homes, restaurants, vehicle repair businesses, or boarding houses.
- In subdivisions, no more than one vehicle associated with the use, registered as a passenger vehicle, light truck, recreational truck, or farm truck may be parked outside on the property. The number or type of registration for vehicles associated with the use is not limited on properties located outside of a subdivision.
The number of animals you can have depends on your zoning classification, the type of animal, and the area of your property which is available to the livestock. See the Zoning Reference Chart which lists the number of “animal units” allowed in each district.
Here are a few other things to keep in mind related to the number of animals you can have:
- An animal unit varies depending on the type of animal. For example, a horse equals one animal unit but it takes 50 chickens to equal one animal unit.
- Check your covenants if you live in a subdivision. Often the covenants (privately controlled restrictions) are more stringent than the county’s zoning restrictions when it comes to having livestock on your property.
- Dogs and cats are defined as “Domestic Animals” and are not subject to the same restrictions as livestock. In the Rural Residential, Estate Residential, Suburban Residential, and Multi-Family zoning districts, you may have up to four weaned animals. In all other zoning districts, you may have up to seven weaned animals. If these numbers are exceeded, the use falls into the category of “Kennel” which has separate, special requirements.
- Additionally, see Keeping Animals in Boulder County Document.
When the Community Planning & Permitting Department staff receives a complaint, a county zoning inspector is assigned to follow up. The inspector examines the site (without trespassing) and determines if the alleged use violation exceeds what is allowed by the Land Use Code. While some uses can certainly be annoying to an adjacent property owner, the use may be legally allowed by the regulations. In such cases, the property owners in questions may have to work out the issues privately. In cases where the zoning rules are being violated, the inspector contacts the alleged violator and begins enforcement of the rules.
If you wish to lodge a complaint, you can contact our office by phone at 303-441-3930. Or, you can report a complaint to the Community Planning & Permitting Department via the Report a Land Use Code Violation Form. Be sure to include the location of the property you wish to report as well as a description of the activity occurring on the property.
Please keep in mind that if you email us, we will retain a printed copy of the correspondence, in which case, your complaint would not be anonymous.
See the Common Land Use Violations Website for more information.
The prospect of subdividing a property is complicated and depends on numerous factors. In general, the answer to the question is “NO” if the subdivision will result in the creation of any parcels under 35 acres. If you sell off a piece of property smaller than 35 acres without going through an official subdivision process with Boulder County, you are in violation of State of Colorado law. The two pieces involved in the subdivision may not qualify for building permits.
Parcels 35 acres or more may be divided out of larger pieces by deed. This means that no formal county subdivision process is needed to create parcels 35 acres in size and larger.
Parcels under 35 acres may be subdivided in a very limited number of situations. The best thing to do if you want to subdivide your property is to call the Community Planning & Permitting office at 303-441-3930.
If you and a neighbor wish to adjust the boundary lines between parcels, you must have approval of the Board of County Commissioners through an official Boundary Line Adjustment process. If none of the properties involved in the adjustment (before or after adjustment) is under 35 acres in size, this process is not necessary.
Basic information on Site Plan Review and other types of Land Use Review processes are available at Development Applications Under Review proposals.
You can also check on the status of a file by phone or email us at planner@bouldercounty.gov with the Docket number of the proposal. The Docket number will be listed on any correspondence you have received about the proposal and/or will be located on the public notice sign that is posted at the site. The Docket number starts with two or three letters, followed by the year and then a number. For example, a docket number may look like this: HP-11-0009.
We can also check the status of the docket with an address or owner name.
The existing dwelling must be converted to an accessory structure prior to occupancy of the new dwelling. Bathing facilities must be eliminated by removing the bathing plumbing fixtures and all associated plumbing. Cooking facilities must be eliminated by removing the cooking appliances and all associated wiring and gas piping. A building permit is required for this conversion.
Yes, tiny homes or modular structures can be built in Boulder County, but they must meet planning and building requirements, including:
- All structures must be on permanent foundations (not on wheels or trailers) in unincorporated Boulder County.
- Site Plan Review is required for any new development requiring a building permit on vacant parcels in unincorporated Boulder County.
- Limited Impact Special Use (LU) Review is required for adding any additional dwellings to a parcel with an existing single family dwelling.
- All dwellings must have water service or a permitted well and a sewer connection or on-site wastewater treatment system.
- Boulder County BuildSmart and Wildfire Mitigation requirements apply, including sprinkler systems.
- Compliance with the 2015 International Residential Code (“IRC”): Section R304: Minimum Room Areas:
- R304.1 Minimum area. Habitable rooms shall have a floor area of not less than 70 square feet (6.5 m2). Exception: Kitchens.
- R304.2 Minimum dimensions. Habitable rooms shall not be less than 7 feet (2134 mm) in an horizontal dimension. (Exception: Kitchens.)
- R304.3 Height effect on room area. Portions of a room with a sloping ceiling measuring less than 5 feet (1524 mm) or a furred ceiling measuring less than 7 feet (2134 mm) from the finished floor to the finished ceiling shall not be considered as contributing to the minimum required habitable area for that room.
- Please also refer to IRC Sections R305, R306 and R307, which contain provisions for minimum ceiling heights, having a bathroom and a kitchen with hot and cold running water, and the minimum clearances required around bathroom fixtures, respectively.
In addition, the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies (who regulates the licensure of electricians in Colorado) issued the following statement in June 2017:
The Colorado Revised Statutes for Electrical (12-23-116 C.R.S.) and for Plumbing (12-58-114.5 C.R.S.) require inspections for all electrical, plumbing, and gas piping installations. These inspections must be conducted by:
- State Electrical or Plumbing Board inspectors; or
- Local Jurisdictional Authority Inspectors; or
- Certification by the Division of Housing pursuant to 24-32-3311 Colorado Revised Statues regulating manufacture/mobile home construction (these units bear a HUD or FHA certification data plate).
Any structure that is built without inspections #1 or #2 above during construction and is not certified by #3 above is not eligible for electrical, plumbing or gas permits, or inspections by state or local jurisdictional permitting agencies by current state law.
Yurts are typically not permitted as dwellings in unincorporated Boulder County, as they generally do not meet building safety requirements, including insulation, light, ventilation, wind and snow loads, and the flame spread rating of exterior materials.
For additional planning information on tiny homes or yurts, please contact the Planning Division through the Ask a Planner Form or call at 303-441-3930. Please contact Community Planning & Permitting Building Safety and Inspection Services through the Ask a Building Official Form or call 303-441-3925 concerning building requirements.
The Boulder County Land Use Code Article 4-507 B 5 c allows camping on a parcel for 14 days per year only. Travel trailers, fifth wheels and RV’s do not qualify as dwellings (Article 18-137) and so may not be lived in permanently or during the construction of a home or on any vacant property within unincorporated Boulder County.
The maximum residential occupancy allowed in a Dwelling Unit is regulated by health and safety standards and is calculated using characteristics specific to each Dwelling Unit. Follow the steps below to determine the occupancy allowed in your Dwelling Unit.
- Verify the number of individuals permitted by the Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS) Regulations for your Dwelling Unit.
- If you have an OWTS for your Dwelling Unit, you can check septic records online via the Boulder County Septic Record Website for your address and confirm the number of bedrooms your system is sized for. The OWTS Regulations assume two people could occupy each bedroom in a Dwelling Unit. Therefore, the occupancy permitted by the OWTS Regulations is the number of bedrooms your OWTS is sized for, multiplied by two.
- If you do not have an OWTS for your Dwelling Unit, you can disregard this step.
- Calculate the number of individuals that can be accommodated within the bedrooms and guestrooms of your Dwelling Unit.
- Refer to the Boulder County Building Code Amendments for the definitions for bedroom and guestroom to verify which rooms in your Dwelling Unit qualify.
- Measure the size of each bedroom and guestroom in your Dwelling Unit in square feet. If you have a floorplan for your Dwelling Unit that includes measurements, you may use that to determine the size of each bedroom and guestroom. Each bedroom or guestroom that is at least 70 square feet in size can be occupied by one individual. For every additional 50 square feet above 70, another individual can occupy that bedroom or guestroom. You may reference the table below to verify the number of individuals allowed to occupy one bedroom or guestroom based on its size. If the size of a bedroom or guestroom in your Dwelling Unit is larger than what is included in this table, continue to count one additional occupant for every additional 50 square feet.
- Add up the number of occupants allowed in each bedroom or guestroom in your Dwelling Unit. That is the total residential occupancy allowed based on this criterion.
- For bedrooms or guestrooms between 70-119 square feet, 1 occupant is allowed.
- For bedrooms or guestrooms between 120-169 square feet, 2 occupants are allowed.
- For bedrooms or guestrooms between 170-219 square feet, 3 occupants are allowed.
- Compare the occupancy calculations for your Dwelling Unit. The lowest occupancy limit determined in steps one and two is the maximum number of individuals that can occupy the dwelling.
- Note that the overall maximum occupancy limit for Dwelling Units is 16 individuals and in no case can this be exceeded.
Let’s go through each step together for a Dwelling Unit in unincorporated Boulder County with 3 bedrooms and an OWTS.
- After checking the septic records, you determine that the OWTS is sized for four bedrooms, so 4 X 2 = 8 individuals permitted by the OWTS Regulations.
- Then you measure each bedroom and guestroom in your Dwelling Unit. One bedroom is 120 square feet, which can be occupied by two individuals. The other two are 70 square feet and 90 square feet, so they can each be occupied by one individual. That means the occupancy limit based on this criterion is four individuals.
- Finally, you compare each of the limits you have calculated. The OWTS permits eight individuals, the bedroom measurements allow for four individuals, and the absolute maximum is 16 individuals. The lowest occupancy limit is four, therefore the occupancy of your Dwelling Unit is four individuals.
For more information on the research and analysis behind DC-24-0002: Text Amendments to the Land Use Code Related to Residential Occupancy, please review the Boulder County Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing Staff Report for June 27, 2024.