Historic Preservation
Boulder County is committed to identifying and preserving the rich history of the unincorporated areas of the county. Through our Boulder County Comprehensive Plan, Boulder County Land Use Code, and other policies we have created a program to document, protect, and preserve the varying historic resources in our jurisdiction (see Historic Preservation Program Background). The county staff and our Historic Preservation Advisory Board are available to assist property owners in researching their property history, determining whether it is eligible for Historic Preservation Designation FAQs, identifying ways to preserve the property and finding Historic Preservation Financial Incentives for preservation (also see information regarding Demolition and Alteration of Historic Structures).
View Historic Preservation Review Process information.
There is a Historic Landmark Rehabilitation Grant Program that provides funding for rehabilitation of Designated Historic Sites or contributing structures in local landmark districts.
The Community Planning & Permitting Department is also in coordination with other Historic Preservation Agencies and Programs.