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News Archive
ATTENTION: This news article is more than 1 year old and information may be outdated.

April 7, 2020

Update Regarding Building Inspections

Virtual inspections now available for selected building projects

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County is continuing to adjust our processes and procedures in alignment with the most recent Public Health Orders. In an effort to expand our services as much as possible while still protecting the health and safety of all parties, we are temporarily expanding our abilities to perform Virtual Inspections during the COVID-19 Public Health Crisis.

Effective immediately, Boulder County Building Safety & Inspection Services will be performing virtual inspections for selected building projects.

All virtual inspections will be conducted between customers with firsthand knowledge of the installation and the Boulder County Inspector using a video call on a smart phone or tablet.

Not all inspections are eligible for virtual inspections. Some projects are too large, too complex, or require a level of detail that is not possible using virtual means. Many project types will require onsite inspections regardless of their size or complexity due to the materials or equipment used, or other project details. Eligibility for virtual inspection will be determined by the Building Inspector at their sole discretion. Full Inspections of new homes or large remodels are not eligible for virtual inspections at this time.

Customers must have firsthand knowledge of the installation and have a smartphone or tablet connected to WiFi or 4G wireless service. FaceTime (Apple OS devices), or Microsoft Teams (all devices) will be required to host the video call. Other software and hardware options will be added as we further develop this program.

Request a Building Inspection

Request a building inspection by sending an email to: The email must include the following information:

  • Permit number
  • Type of inspection
  • Phone number for the person that will be walking the inspection site
  • Email address of the person that will be walking the inspection site
  • Method of video call you intend to use (FaceTime, or Microsoft Teams)

A building inspector will contact you to discuss the inspections requested and to set up a time for the virtual inspection.

Please ensure you have the necessary tools readily available to allow for the inspection. (Some common examples include: a tape measure, level, GFCI tester, step ladder, and/or flashlight.) A copy of the Approved Plans must be available on site during the inspection.

Make sure your mobile device is fully charged, and you have turned off phone or tablet notifications. Notifications can freeze the video feed during the call and could cause delays or require the inspection to be rescheduled.

We will be doing our best to handle these inspections as efficiency as possible. Please bear with us as we do our best to develop these systems. We have found that there are a number of technical challenges that can interfere with successful video inspections. There may be cases where these technical challenges will prevent inspections from taking place. We will do what we can to work through these challenges, but there may be cases where these difficulties cannot be overcome, and the inspection will not be possible.

As a reminder: The Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting office at 2045 13th St., Boulder is CLOSED to the public until further notice.

Building issues related to health and safety will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. For more information, call 303-441-3930, or email the appropriate department:

Online services and information are available at The best and latest Boulder County information with COVID-19 updates is posted at

Thank you,

Brian Nye, Building Inspector Supervisor
Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting (formerly Land Use and Transportation)
2045 13th St., Boulder CO 80302
Mailing address: PO Box 471 Boulder CO 80306
Direct: 720-564-2615
Main: 303-441-3930