August 2, 2022
Media Contact
Public Information Unit, 303-441-1500
UPDATE: Arrests made in last week’s homicide investigation on Flagstaff Road
Fourth suspect in custody
Boulder County, Colo. - We were informed by the Las Cruces Police Department that Elizabeth Nicole Griffin, date of birth July 16, 1999, was arrested in Las Cruces, N.M., on August 1, 2022. She is currently in custody at the Doña Ana County Detention Center.
The arrest affidavits for all four suspects in custody can be requested from the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office. The booking photos can be found on the Doña Ana County Detention Center’s website: https://apps.donaanacounty.org/www/inmates.
If any members of the public witnessed unusual activity near the Realization Point trailhead on Saturday night or early Sunday morning, July 23 and 24, please contact the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office tip line at 303-441-3674 or email: BCSOtips@bouldercounty.org.
The associated Boulder County Sheriff’s Office case number is: 22-03546.
/s/ Carrie Haverfield, Public Information Specialist