Commissioners: “We will continue to value, respect, and support all individuals as we serve the people of Boulder County.” Read full message.

Immigrant Resources, including a Know Your Rights Booklet, available on the Immigration Resources webpage.

News Archive
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December 4, 2020

Upcoming events from Boulder County Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA)

BCAAA supports the community through opportunities for education and connection


The Boulder Area Agency on Aging (BCAAA) invites interested community members to participate in BCAAA’s annual Age Well Series, Lavender Gala, and healthy aging opportunities.

Age Well Series

Join the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging for the ninth annual Age Well Series from December 2020 through February next year. This series of presentations is open to the community at no cost. The keynote presentation by Ashton Applewhite, Kyrié S. Carpenter and Ryan Backer will be “Still Kicking: Confronting Ageism and Ableism in the Pandemic’s Wake.” Other presentations and upcoming events include:

  • COVID-19 Advance Care Planning Conversations (Wednesday, Dec. 16)
  • Caregiver Guilt and the Holidays (Thursday, Dec. 17)
  • Preparando Mi Regalo de Paz (miércoles 5 de enero)
  • Layers of Loss: Understanding Grief as a Caregiver (Thursday, Jan. 7)
  • Project Visibility: Creating Inclusive Communities for LGBTQ+ Older Adults - Parts 1 and 2 (Tuesday, Jan. 12 and Thursday, Jan. 14)
  • Supporting and Growing the Direct Care Workforce: Retention, Recruitment, and Ground-Level Opportunities for Colorado (Tuesday, Jan. 19)
  • Reframing Aging: The COVID-19 Edition (Wednesday, Jan 20)
  • Change and Uncertainty: That’s Caregiving! (Wednesday, Jan. 27)
  • Ending Ageism Together (Wednesday, Feb. 3)

Learn more about and register for the Age Well Series Keynote and presentations at

Lavendar Gala

Lavender Gala

The 20th Annual Lavender Gala will be online this year with a Kick-off Reception and a guided virtual tour of the history of the Lavender Gala, a mixer event to connect with others, and a live celebration with dancing, raffle drawings, and more.

Event dates include:

  • Kick-off reception with guided tour of Lavender Gala 2000-2020 virtual exhibit (Monday, Dec. 7, 3-4 p.m.)
  • Virtual mixer (Thursday, Dec. 10, 7-8 p.m.)
  • Finale Celebration of more than 20 years of the Lavender Gala! (Sunday, Dec. 13, 2-3:30 p.m.)

Learn more and register at

Aging Advisory Council Recruitment

The Aging Advisory Council (AAC) will be recruiting new members, with applications opening on Friday, Dec. 11. The AAC serves in an advisory capacity to the Boulder County Area Agency on Aging. The AAC helps in the administration and planning of the Older Americans Act programs by gathering information and ideas that help to coordinate the delivery of services, and by responding effectively to the strengths and needs of older adults throughout Boulder County. The AAC meets the first Friday of every month from 9 a.m. to noon, except for July and November. Learn more about the AAC at

For more information, please contact AAC Liaison Lindsay Parsons at

Veterans Benefits Web Series

Veterans Services Officer Karen Townsend has provided several webinars on benefits for veterans. For the last Veterans Benefits Webinar of the year, Karen will be joined by Kristin Erner, Dr. Edgar Villareal, and Collette Archibald for a presentation on Suicide Prevention. This presentation will be hosted on Tuesday, Dec. 8 from 3-4 p.m. To learn more and register, visit

Diabetes Support and Education Group

Join on Monday, Dec. 21 from 11 a.m. to noon for this month’s topic, “Managing the Holidays.” This program is conducted by a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist who is also a Certified Diabetes Educator. Please email for more information about this virtual group.

Nutrition Counseling

Individualized counseling and coaching from a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist are available for Boulder County residents. Call 303-678-6115 (English) or 720-930-9002 (en español) for more information.

Medicare Basics

Medicare Basics Classes

Participants learn about how and when to enroll, how to avoid financial penalties, the different parts of Medicare, what is covered and what is not, Medicare fraud, and other information related to Medicare. Visit the Medicare Counseling page at for links to register for upcoming classes.

Medicare Cafecito

La Agencia de Servicios para Adultos Mayores presenta “Medicare Cafecitos” ofrecidos por medio del programa de Medicare del Condado de Boulder cada tercer lunes del mes a la 1 p.m. El Cafecito ofrece información imparcial y actualizada.

Para registrarse visite

Boulder County residents can connect with BCAAA resources by email at, by phone at 303-441-1617, or online at