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December 10, 2020

Media Contact
Vivienne Jannatpour, (303) 678-6277

Two More Trails Open at Heil Valley Ranch after CalWood Fire

North side of Wild Turkey Trail and the Ponderosa Loop are now open for on-trail use only.

Boulder County, Colo. - Parks & Open Space staff have completed assessments and safety measures on the north side of Heil Valley and opened up a portion of the Wild Turkey trail and the entire Ponderosa Loop. The Picture Rock Trail re-opened on Friday, Dec. 4. This area is open to on-trail use only. We ask that all visitors be respectful of the remaining closures due to safety hazards in the burn areas.

The area remains fragile and will be subject to muddy trail closures, particularly after snow storms. Please adhere to all rules and regulations to prevent:

  • Trail widening and plant damage by visitors walking around muddy trail areas. While we understand visitors may need to temporarily step off trail to maintain physical distance, we strongly encourage everyone to wear a mask and quickly pass other visitors in the trail corridor. If you must step off the trail, please step onto a rock or a bare spot to let others pass, then step back on the trail. Please avoid stepping on vegetation.
  • Disturbances to sensitive habitat areas from visitors illegally entering wildlife closures and other sensitive areas closed to the public. People in wildlife closures and other sensitive closed areas can cause significant disturbances to local wildlife. While recreation is an essential component of our open space program, wildlife habitat protection is also a critical function.

Please remember that COVID-19 precautions are still extremely important. Getting outside for fresh air and exercise is highly recommended by Boulder County Public Health, but precautions are necessary. It's important to follow careful guidelines as increasing numbers of residents visit open space trails:

  • DON’T visit if you’re sick! Stay home and help protect others.
  • You must have a face covering with you and cover your mouth and nose when maintaining a 6-foot distance from others is not possible.
  • All trails remain extremely busy. If a parking area is full, move on to another park or trailhead.
  • Plan your visit carefully. Know your limits and the county Rules & Regulations while on the trail. Don't put first responders and medical personnel at risk.

Please stay informed. Heil Valley Ranch will be in recovery for many months, and trails may need to close for restoration efforts. Check before your visit for up-to-date information for possible visitor restrictions or closures in response to trail and park conditions.

For the latest county updates and guidelines on how to manage COVID-19, please visit