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December 21, 2023

Staff Report Available on Proposed Updates Related to Short-Term Dwelling and Vacation Rentals

Board of County Commissioners Public Hearing on Docket DC-23-0001 Scheduled for Jan. 9

Boulder County, Colo. - Boulder County Community Planning & Permitting staff are proposing changes to the Land Use Code and Licensing Ordinance associated with Short-Term and Vacation Rentals in unincorporated Boulder County. Draft proposed changes were presented to the Planning Commission for review during Public Hearings on Sept. 20 and Oct. 18, 2023.

The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) will hold a Public Hearing on Docket DC-23-0001 Text Amendments to the Land Use Code related to Short-Term Dwelling and Vacation Rentals on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, starting at 1 p.m.

What: BOCC Public Hearing on Docket DC-23-0001 Text Amendments to the Land Use Code related to Short-Term Dwelling and Vacation Rentals
When: Tuesday, January 9, 2024, starting at 1 p.m.
Where: Attend or participate virtually via Zoom, or in person at the Commissioners' Hearing Room, Downtown Historic Courthouse, 3rd Floor, 1325 Pearl St. Boulder. Information regarding how to attend or participate virtually will be published on the DC-23-0001 webpage by Jan. 2.

Summary of Proposed Changes

The proposed text amendments to the Land Use Code and updates to the Licensing Ordinance are designed to work together to regulate Short-Term and Vacation Rentals in the unincorporated county. The proposed changes simplify the process by reducing the number of uses from three to two and establish a single process through which Short-Term and Vacation Rental uses are reviewed by zoning and licensing staff.

Additional recommendations to the draft Licensing Ordinance create parameters that establish a baseline level of health and safety in rentals, outline areas where Vacation Rentals are more appropriate, and reduce impacts to traditional housing stock. Proposed changes to the Land Use Code are summarized in this section.

A detailed summary of proposed changes to the Land Use Code and Licensing Ordinance can be found in the staff report to the Board of County Commissioners.

The proposed changes are for the unincorporated areas of Boulder County, not in cities like Boulder or Longmont. Boulder County’s unincorporated areas comprise the rural, mountainous and plains communities that are not part of any incorporated municipality.

Learn More or Comment on the Draft Changes

Learn more on the DC-23-0001 webpage. To comment on the draft changes to the Land Use Code and updates to the Licensing Ordinance, email written comments to, or contact Ethan Abner, Long Range Planning & Policy Team Planner.