April 17, 2020
Media Contact
Andrew Barth, Transportation Communications, 303-441-1032
Alexandra Phillips, Bicycle Planner,
Safe cycling during coronavirus outbreak
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I hope this correspondence finds you and your family safe and healthy during the recent coronavirus outbreak. Physical exercise and fresh air are important while we’ve all been asked to do our part to slow the spread of this virus. We encourage the following safe cycling practices that will help keep you and others along your ride route safe and healthy:
- Avoid riding in groups, unless the group of people are who you’ve been residing with.
- Provide at least six feet of room when passing cyclists and pedestrians. If this means stopping and moving off the side of the road, please do so.
- Wear a mask. This is not required, but it is recommended to help contain particulates in the air.
- Cough and sneeze into your arm.
- If you’re not feeling well, please stay home.
Safety should be everyone’s main priority right now. Please be mindful when riding through all communities and neighborhoods and give other trail users room so they can safely get their fresh air too. With your help, we’ll all be back outside together soon.
Andrew Barth
Boulder County Public Works